Thursday, June 13, 2013

A Little Something Else

Another evening of Dulcinea blocks and only four more added to the design wall to show for my efforts.  For some reason, I was a little distracted, which meant I was working a bit sporadically between recesses on the internet--and internet browsing wasn't even for the purpose of looking at anything creative!  No, it had more to do with friends and work and various contacts I wanted to check on.  Do you ever have evenings like that where you just can't settle to the task at hand?  Normally sewing is my relaxation and escape, but for some reason, tonight it just gave my mind a chance to skip from one thing to another.  I hope I have a better result when I lay my head on my pillow tonight, or it's going to be a long night of insomnia--and that's something that rarely happens to me.

I DO have a little something I hadn't shown you yet, though.  Remember that crazy hot day last Saturday when I tortured my poor friends with a non-airconditioned lunch and shopping excursion?  Well during our limited stitchery time that day, I started on the June sheep blanket.  Giving myself the task of making up kits for my friends each month means I feel I have to complete the monthly blanket myself, so I can show them where I used the different colors of wool in the kits--that's kept me current on at least one of my projects!

I think the colors in the blanket are a little deeper than in the photo.  For some reason, these never seem to photograph all that well--maybe it's all that white in the sheep or something.  But I think June's blanket is awfully cute, don't you?

Oh, and no, I didn't get it finished during our limited time together on Saturday.  I worked on it later on Saturday night and again on Sunday before I started playing with scraps; I think I finished it then.  But tonight was our monthly Thimbleberries Club meeting, and most of my friends attended, so I brought the sheep and blanket for show and tell so they could see how it turned out and know what theirs will look like once they finish.

It's back to Dulcinea for me tomorrow night--maybe I'll be able to finish the blocks then.


  1. I am making a similar Buttermilk Basin pattern (the BOM with the crazy quilt background thing) LOL - do you understand?? Anyway, the crow is the same as what I chose, black and gray. Great minds... The rest has pumpkins for September/Oct.

  2. Kim, I really enjoy reading your blog everyday and also doing the "Scrapbasket Sunday" with everyone. I am a women of few words, so to the point---is there a name for the pattern for the little sheep. I know someone who would love one and I would enjoy making it for a gift?


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!