Saturday, May 18, 2013

Time for Sign Ups Again!

Thank you for the input about Alaska cruises--it's really helped Hubby and me tremendously in coming to a decision.  It looks like we'll be giving it a try.  What I didn't mention last night is that the cruise was booked for us through my office.  Since the firm first started, they've given their employees a vacation trip of some sort when the employees reach their 10-year anniversary.  In the past few years, some of the firm's employees have hit their 20-year anniversaries, and the partners decided to add a 20-year trip bonus.  I'm one of those 20-year employees and we were offered four or five different trip options.  The Alaska cruise sounded like the best idea to us and here's why:  Hubby's idea of a great vacation is to drive somewhere and enjoy the scenery from the car, stopping occasionally for food and to check out a museum or a shop.  So a cruise sounded much the same except he wouldn't need to keep his foot on the gas pedal!  When we learned, though, that there were no cabins available with views, we worried it would make a big difference to our enjoyment of the trip; it's good to know there are plenty of other public areas on board that are quiet, temperature-controlled, and have views.  Whether we're cruise people or not, I suppose we'll find out, but I guess we can't know until we try it.

Now, it's time again to sign up for Scrap Basket Sunday.  If you have a scrap project to show on your blog, please add your name and blog link to the Mister Linky list below.  Only sign up ahead of time if you know you'll be posting something on Sunday, or you can wait to sign up until you've posted your scrap project.


  1. We love cruises! we're going on our 5th one in 2 weeks and my daughter and I are going on our 6h just me and her for her 21st birthday..girls night out :) and we have plans for two more next them! anyways I couldn't stand Norwegian cruise line..would never go back with them (unless it was FREE) :)..and we went to's not as cold as you think but we are pretty much never in our cabin and we get the balcony but at night if your up on the deck it can get a little chilly..your best bet with your hubby having problems is to head to the library..very cozy, quiet and overall just COMFY! they do have cafes those can also be quiet..most families head to the shows, games and plenty of space to find that perfect spot! ..if you start to get a little sea sick ask the front desk and they will give you medicine immediately they take your comfort very seriously..any questions feel free to ask :) will have fun! :)

  2. I will be spending part of the day tomorrow working on my scrappy shoo fly blocks. I've decided what I want to do with them - which means I need to make 264 of those puppies! Sounds downright scary, but I'm sure there are encough scraps in the basket.

  3. Hi again Kim - I managed a bit of scrap play today so here I am! The cruise sounds like a fun thing and a great new experience for you both.

  4. Just found your linky through Deb at A Simple Life. I like your blocks. My sister took an Alaska cruise a few years ago and was surprised there was a bunch of quilters on it. I think there are several teachers who teach on that cruise path. You might check it out.

  5. Hi, Kim!
    I have never been on a cruise, so I couldn't offer any advice. I am happy you decided to take the cruise, though. It sounds like something you and hubby can definitely enjoy.

    I forgot to put my link to my post about Scrap Basket Sunday. It is here:

    It's funny how, when you are going through your scraps, you find fabrics for other projects. Now I have little "kits" made up for projects I want to work on. Oh my!

  6. Hi Kim! I'm back to posting for Scrap Basket Sunday, shams for our bed, only 2 yrs in the making!
    Enjoy your trip, we have never been on a cruise either, would like to go one day.
    Take care, Leslie

  7. Hi Kim, is it too late to join? I found you through a link, and just so happens I started a scrap quilt this last weekend, so I thought I'd link up. What a fun idea!
    I've not been on a cruise, but I've been through Alaska on the ferry. You will LOVE it.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!