Friday, May 31, 2013


As I got on the internet at work today to visit a court's website, I noticed Yahoo had a story about Prancercise.  Have you heard of it?  Coincidentally, a local fitness trainer offered employees of my office a monthly CrossFit program just yesterday.  Today I saw this and I noticed Prancercise is hyped as an alternative to CrossFit and Zumba.  Hummmm.  Something to consider!  Besides, it's free and can be done anywhere--at your home, office, church, or park.  Try Prancercising your way through the grocery store while talking on your Bluetooth for a multi-tasking fitness marathon!

Haven't you ever wanted to let your inner horse run free?  Maybe you never COULD get enough of My Little Pony?  There's even a book--self published by Joanna Rohrback, the woman in the video, and available through Amazon:

Be careful though, because while you're prancing around, this guy just might try to ride you!


Gangnam style!


  1. I really had to laugh at this one - could you just imagine the looks one would get while prancing through the grocery store or the neighborhood? :) not for me.

  2. Ummmm, that's kinda ridiculous, in my humble opinion. Would like to see some men doing it, though. Just for the entertainment value though. Let us know how it works out for you! lol

  3. I just saw this on GMA about 5 minutes ago! I would not be able to do this without laughing hysterically!

  4. I just peed my pants, ROFLOL

  5. Oh my, there are not enough words....

  6. I saw that on the news yesterday too...I have to tell ya she was thin so perhaps on to something! LOL!!!!! Check out this video

    If link doesn't work ... Search for Riley Blake Gingham Style

  7. LOL saw this one too! I wouldn't be able to do it without laughing. :-)

  8. This is just ... disturbing ...

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. somebody really oughta explain camel toes to the poor thing..

  11. OMG! I also thought the same thing as Dianne! In my opinion shae needs to eat something.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!