Thursday, May 23, 2013

A Little Applique Prep

Last night I mentioned I had a couple of projects that were close to completion; this is one of those projects.

Remember when my friends and I--there were four of us--did the Bunny Hill Autumn House quilt as a block of the month project last year?  Between us, we already owned or were able to acquire nearly all of the "original" fabrics.  The four of us met once a month to pool our stash and cut the kits.  We had a lot of fun doing that and I think we've all finished--or nearly finished--our quilts.  Well, I'd finished the main part of the quilt but I set it aside for something else that seemed either urgent or more interesting at a time when all that remained to be completed was the border applique.

And it's not like there was a lot of border applique either.  Just a couple of birds and leaves along the top border.

Well, I finally prepped the applique for that border.  Now it's ready for me to work on whenever I'm away from my sewing machine and am in the mood for a little hand work.  Before long, I'll be able to add the borders to Autumn House.

I always find the time after Easter and before fall is the best and most productive time for me to finish the things I've started throughout the year.  How about you?  Is there a "quilt season"?


  1. My "Quilt Season" would be June and July when I am out of school.(if I'm not taking classes). I always have more on my list than I ever accomplish though!!

  2. Ooooh! Gorgeous quilt top - you did a wonderful job!

  3. Happy to see you will finish this quilt. So much work goes into these applique' quilts and this one of yours is quite beautiful!
    My motivational seasons for quilting are definately spring and fall.

  4. Hey - Thinking of you and your Autumn House - as you always are--an inspiration. I need to unearth mine and get it to a quilter. Thinking back on our journey through Autumn House together--it was special.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!