Sunday, April 28, 2013

What's Not Stuffed Up . . .

Itches.  Yes, it's definitely allergy season.  Have you been suffering?  It's extremely unfair that the weather is so beautiful and allergies are so terrible!

It's Scrap Basket Sunday, so let me show you the blocks I made:

Luana, who doesn't have a blog, sent me a photo of the scrap quilt she made--she mentioned it was the quilt pattern on the cover of the December 2012 American Patchwork & Quilting magazine.  Cute idea for all those smaller scraps that seem to pile up.

I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone else is working on.  Don't forget to add your name to Mister Linky when you post your scrap project so we can all come by and visit.


  1. Your blocks are beautiful! I fell in love with that quilt when I saw it on the cover of Kim's book. I have all of my fabrics together, I just haven't cut them, yet.

    And I love Luana's quilt. I am looking at that issue as I speak! It's on my list!

  2. Your blocks are great. I am in love with the red plaid star and cherries block.

    Luana's quilt is so cute. She has given me an idea for some of my scraps.

    Happy Scrappy Sunday!

  3. Having fun watching your scrap blocks multiply. Can't wait to see the finale!

  4. Sniffling, itching, sneezing, and wheezing over here! Ugh. Perfect for quilting indoors. Hope your allergies are not as bad as mine, and I love your blocks! Luanna's little quilt is super cute too! Thanks again for the fun linky party. It's always great to see what others are doing with their scraps.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!