Thursday, April 4, 2013

Momma Always Told Me . . .

to finish what I started.  Of course, I hardly ever listened to her advice.  Maybe THAT's why I have a basket full to overflowing with unquilted tops.  Still, I finished something . . .

And gosh darn it, but I'm REALLY early in getting ready for next Easter, aren't I?  I guess momma's lessons about not procrastinating must have gotten through, at least!


  1. Great finishing Kim. Congratulations!

  2. Congratulations! It is so cute! My easter fabric I bought for my easter tablerunner is still sitting in on my cutting table!

  3. Another stinkin' cute quilt!!! Will the fun never stop????

  4. I made a table topper as a hostess gift for my cousin and left it on the chair at my house (200 miles away). Hmm, was that accidental? Will mail it to her (nuts). Your bunny is so cute and what a great job quilting the border!!!

  5. Now that you are finished and ready for next year, I love this table topper. It's just the cutest thing. Good job Kim!

  6. It looks great Kim. But technically the Easter season runs until Pentecost (May 19th this year) so you are right on time! I tend to follow the liturgical calendar for quilting and knitting projects. ;-)

  7. It's adorable!! ANY finish is an achievement to be proud of!


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