Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Leftovers

Did you have a lovely Easter?  We did.  Hubby surprised my friend Lisa and me with Easter baskets while we--Lisa and her husband and Hubby and I--were out having dinner and going to a movie on Saturday night.  He was so thoughtful!  He filled our baskets with bath bombs from Lush, a gift card from Starbucks, candy from See's, and a few other goodies gathered from here and there.

Our Easter Sunday was spent fairly quietly.  I reflected on the days when the kids would wake us up early to hunt for Easter eggs.  Things have changed for us since then, but it probably won't be too many years until my kids are experiencing early Easter wake ups.

Soccer Son and his Lovely Wife joined us in the afternoon for a visit, a couple games of Apples to Apples, and some finger food--they'd been to brunch at his Lovely Wife's grandmother's house, so I didn't plan a big meal, but what we had--smoked prawns with a homemade dipping sauce, egg rolls, small ham sandwiches on Hubby's homemade honey wheat rolls, and chocolate chip cookie ice cream sandwiches--was pretty darn good.

Oh, and I finished the Easter Toss quilt on Saturday--the binding was sewn on and the quilt was washed and dried.

It replaced an embroidered cloth on the top of the drawers in the kitchen--just in time for Easter!

When the Easter festivities wound down and Soccer Son and his Lovely Wife went home around 7 p.m., I headed into the Sweat Shop--after all, I had an appointment with my scrap basket.  But I ran into a little problem:  my iron was dead as could be!  I tried turning it off and turning it back on; I tried unplugging it and plugging it into another outlet; nothing.  And it had worked just fine in the morning.  Darn!  Where could I get a new iron at 7:15 p.m. on Easter Sunday?

Well, WalMart, of course!  So after a quick trip to the store and a delay in my appointment with my scrap basket, I finally got a little quality time with my scraps beginning around 8 p.m. while I watched the start of the new season of Call the Midwife and the first episode of Mr. Selfridge--a lovely way to end a lovely day.


  1. Your group of Easter Bunny quilts is just wonderful! I always seem to like your most current quilt the best but I love 'em all!!!!

  2. What did you think of Mr. Selfridge? I'm not sure I'm going to continue watching it. Jeremy Pivens over-acted, although I usually like his work, and there seems to be a lot of below the surface tension and negativity. Maybe it's just me....

  3. Well your Easter basket sounds very much like what I gave my daughters! They each got a bath bomb from Lush, a gift card (not to Starbucks though since they are only 9 and 6!), some See's candies, and a couple of toys. I am glad you had a wonderful Easter!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!