Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Bits and Pieces

I'm so tickled that several of you want to join in the Scrap Basket Sunday group!  And I'm even more tickled that Carol offered to help me with a blog button for the group.  I think sometime this week, we'll probably have something you can add to your blog.

I know several of you have also said you want to make the Kim Diehl quilt I showed on my blog--that's the one I'm working on.  I had a little bit of trouble when I started making my blocks in that the pattern is written using fat quarters and strip sets.  However, I carefully read through the directions and did some calculations and came up with the cutting measurements for single scrappy blocks.  If you have the book and just need the measurement conversion, email me and I'll be happy to give you the info, but please don't ask me if you don't already have the book.  (I'm not being mean; I just don't want to violate copyright laws.)  I have my first four blocks made and I'm excited to show them to you, but I have to wait until Sunday, darn it.  I know this is going to be fun because these are like potato chips:  it's hard to stop with just a couple!

Besides the scrappy blocks, I took a little time to make the April block for the Thimbleberries BOM I started this year--it's the very first BOM Thimbleberries ever did, and it's fairly simple really.  Here's April's block:

I worked on it while I watched Murder on the Orient Express on PBS on Sunday night--another oldie but goodie.  Here are the first four blocks up on the design wall together:

I'm kind of surprised I've kept the blocks up there for the past couple months and I'm sure I'll need to take them down before too long for some other project, but it's kind of nice to have them there for now.

Tomorrow night I'll get back to the Easter Toss quilt--I'll be sure to show you how it's coming along.


  1. Cute block! Looking forward to watching the Scrap Basket group! I love scrappy thing. :)

  2. wow, I like your bocks for the thimbleberries BOM. Is it a current BOM?


  3. Very cute tulip block. I also love the heart one.
    Cath @ Bits 'n Bobs

  4. I think I have those blocks from a BOM which I was doing at a LQS way back about 15 years ago. Unfortunately I moved away so I only had the 4 blocks completed.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!