Friday, February 1, 2013

Oh, Lord, Where Did THAT Come From?

I think I'm in trouble.

At our first Thimbleberries Club meeting in January, we were told about a new year-long challenge:  we are to identify Thimbleberries UFOs that we would like to finish this year, fill out the list they gave us, and turn it in at the February meeting.  Finished means everything including binding and a label.  So I came home and put the blank list on my sewing table.  Off and on over the past couple of weeks, I thought about the Thimbleberries-related projects I was currently working on and would like to finish, like the Harrington and Hannah quilt.  Then I thought about a couple of the really old BOMs I have languishing somewhere in the deep, dark spaces under my sewing table.  (Boy, you can really cram a lot of stuff under there, you know?)  Next I checked my basket of quilt tops that need quilting.  And I considered some of the swapped blocks I've collected.  Gee, I have more projects than I have lines on the form!  Yikes!

But here's the really shocking part.  One of the quilts on my list was this Christmas basket quilt:

I thought it was pinned and ready for quilting.  I thought it was a fairly small (i.e., "quick") project that I could get done by the next Thimbleberries gathering.  So I went looking for it on the quilt rack I have in the Sweat Shop.

The quilt rack that holds projects I haven't quite finished and projects that are ready to be quilted.  And guess what?  Buried under there, I found not only the Christmas basket quilt--that isn't, after all, all pinned and ready for quilting--but I also found two more Thimbleberries quilts that I completely forgot were on the rack!

This is one I made last year (or the year before?) from swapped birthday blocks and I love it!  How could I have forgotten?!

And this is one I made from Thimbleberries scraps a couple years ago.  Well, I made all the blocks at one time, and a few years later, I set them and added the sashing.

I think I still need to add a border to that one though.  But I like it a lot too!  So it simply MUST go on the list as well, right?

Fifteen Thimbleberries quilts that I want to finish this year.  And that doesn't even count the other non-Thimbleberries applique BOM quilts I'm still working on from last year or the other quilt tops I might want to quilt--like Comfort & Joy.  Or my several monthly wool projects. 

See what I mean?  I think I'm in trouble.


  1. only fifteen?!? and you'd only forgotten about two?!? i think you're okay...

    ha ha ha!!!

  2. Well, I guess you could always gift a top to a friend who does quilting. Then it would be on *her* list.

  3. Oh my! That's quite the list! Good luck!

  4. I know how you feel! I picked up fabric a couple days ago to make a new throw quilt. Later that night I decided to make a list of what I'd like to get finished up this year - Wow!!! I was shocked at everything I have in the UFO list! Gotta get busy :*D

  5. You have to know that you aren't the only one with a list like that. I haven't been brave enough to make a list, maybe I should one of these days. Enjoy your Friday night out and off the computer, relax and tomorrow is another day. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Really, you can do it! Just make reasonable goals for yourself. :-) The quilting goes pretty quick if you know what you want to do. I love the added lines on the form. :-) We will support you all the way. K-

  7. It's WONderful that you have a list like mine!! I don't have Thimbleberries quilts but many, many other UFOs that equal far too many to list without being ridiculously embarrassed. I'm guessing though, that you will beat me at the finish line. . . .

  8. Popping in today...what can I say...a wee busy and needed a break!
    You have your work cut out for you...enjoy the process. We only have so much lifetime....we can't do them all DANG IT!

  9. I just found your blog because I was researching quilting with a juki on a grace frame. I have the grace start right with the intention of using it with my BERNINA 830. Major weight getting that machine on and off the frame. Well I just received my juki 2010 and I think I'm in love. I ordered the sure stitch but it hasn't come yet. After reading comments, I'm not sure that was a good idea. Suggestions please.

    I have to laugh at your Thimbleberries UFO list. I was recently cleaning out my garage and found numerous Thimbleberries UFOs in various stages of development. I guess it's time for me to start on my own 2013 list of projects to complete:-)


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