Monday, February 25, 2013

Mind Over Matter . . .

My arm was still aching something fierce today--probably worse today since I'd done some housecleaning yesterday--but how long can a person sit around and do nothing?  Especially when that person is in the middle of a little four-day holiday?  Did I tell you I took Monday and Tuesday off work, by the way?  Yes, I took a couple days off to enjoy a little "me time" while Hubby's away, but instead it's turned into "oh, my aching arm time."  Figures, eh?  I refuse to let it defeat me though.

So, I finished the fourth and final house.  Happily I found rotary cutting didn't seem to bother my arm  much, if at all--it's only in some positions, doing some things that it really hurts.  Here's today's block:

And here are all four together:

I've surveyed my stash, and I'm not sure I have what I'd like for sashing and borders; I'll look again in the morning, but I might need to make a run to a local quilt shop to see if I can find something I like better than what I have.

Besides making this last block, I spent a considerable amount of time working around the house at taking down the last of the winter and Valentine's decorations and getting out the spring quilts and wallhangings.  There's still a lot more to do, but I think I've made some good progress.  And I still have two more days before I have to go back to work--wooo-hoooo!


  1. the houses are wonderful I hope your arm is better today Enjoy your dasy off

  2. Love the colorful houses! Enjoy your time off and I hope your arm feels better so that you get some quality time in the sweat shop.

  3. Love your houses Kim. I too put away Valentine quilts this last weekend and put out St. Patrick's day quilts. I finished my Shamrock quilt from your tutorial that I thought was just a couple years ago but when I looked at your tutorial it was posted in 2009. Only took me four years to get it quilted but I finally did and I love it. I'll show a picture on my blog soon.

  4. Days off work are so good for the soul. Have fun!!!


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