Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Home Again

Did you by any chance follow the other Block of the Month project that Anne over at Cottons 'n Wool organized (she's the one who cheered us along with Comfort and Joy)?  It was a quilt project called Country Homecoming from the Primitive Gatherings book.  If you click HERE you can jump over to Anne's blog to see a couple lovely samples of the completed quilt as well as the book the pattern was from.

Back then, when the group got started, I was very tempted to play along too, but at the time--and I think it was probably around early spring last year when I was tired of dark fabrics and dark days--I thought I might like to make some bright pastel houses instead.  So I made a couple and then I set them aside, deciding the brighter houses just weren't holding my attention, and I'm sure I flitted off to some other project.

NOW I want to make the primitive, homespun version of the Country Homecoming quilt because I love the way Anne's quilt and the quilts made by others in the group turned out, and I have a nice little stack of homespun fat quarters assembled and set aside.  But before I start yet another project, I thought I should revisit those poor orphan houses and do something with them.

I had three houses started; I thought that if I made a fourth, I might just end up with a not-too-time-consuming spring wallhanging.  I realized, though, that although I had prepped three houses, I hadn't done the hand applique needed to attach doors and windows.  So that's the project I settled on today--and I got the first house move-in ready.

My goal is to finish these first three houses this week and maybe the fourth--or at least get the fourth started and done next weekend.  I'll show them to you as I complete each one.


  1. Very cute! Love those nice colors for spring! Have fun completing the project!

  2. I started this quilt with Anne, but it fell by the way side after my wrist surgery in December. I hope to finish it some time this year.

  3. Wanted to thank you for the Shamrock pattern/tute! So quick and easy! I've been wanting a St. Pat's Day wallhanging for years and finally have one. Just need to find that perfect border print (like yours!) which I'll do today at Thimble Creek.

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