Thursday, February 7, 2013

Doomed to Disappointment

I think you know that my tuxedo, Stitch, is my baby, right?  He hangs around me all the time unless he's outside catting around, and he's often in the Sweat Shop with me unless he becomes tiresomely attention-needy, at which point I'll usually nudge him out the door so I can get something done.  So THIS position of waiting outside the Sweat Shop door is not unusual . . .

But tonight he's going to be waiting here for me to head into the Sweat Shop for a very long, long time.  Because I'm going to bed instead.  I think I'm coming down with a cold.  I know, right?  I can't believe it EITHER!  Didn't I JUST GET OVER a whopper of a cold that hung on for about a MONTH?!!  I'm still hoping it's allergies, but I didn't sleep well last night because of that heavy, congested feeling that goes along with a cold and I've been feeling kind of nasty all day.  In fact, right now I have a headache that's threatening to cause my head to explode.  Or maybe the headache is because I just had a long online chat with my bank, explaining why I activated my new ATM card and cut up the old card, only to later find out the card I activated went to a rarely used account at the same back.  So I cut up my "good" ATM card for nothing and now I have to wait until that one is replaced.

Yep, I need to go to bed.

But let me show you this first.  I thought I'd have it done by now, but due to one thing and another . . . well, I only have one corner done and the other corner (opposite bottom corner) left to do.

And I'm not entirely sure it doesn't need to go a little longer, because the pattern shows a longer vine across the top and down the side.  But at least I'm making some progress, right?

If Stitch had little kitty pom-poms and sat at the door cheering me on every night, maybe I'd have gotten farther.  If only I'd won that football pool, I could have bought little kitty pom-poms.  Gosh, I wonder if I'm running a fever?


  1. Hello! I'm new to following your blog, and wanted to say hello and I like your project! I've been looking into the picture like quilts but haven't ventured there yet. Hope you're feeling better. :-)

  2. I'm so sorry you are not feeling well. Airborne! It really works. Lots of it!!!! I love the fact that you used a light fabric for the border. So often (me included) we use a darker border. This one really sets it off and completes the look of the quilt.

    Rest - get well soon!!

  3. Stitch cracks me up! I'm doing the same thing with the "cold" or whatever it is...goes away, comes back, goes away comes back...DAMN!!! I've starting taking ZyrtecD and it seems to be helping.
    LOVE your quilt - the corner looks great!
    Sending you non-cold/allergy vibes!!

  4. You are not feeling well - groan. Hope you can nip it in the bud. Take care of you. Stitch and the quilt are pretty wonderful. Both good for snuggling with.

  5. Oh no! It can't be!!! Please get well right now, you have had more than your share of the's someone else's turn. I'm sending healing thoughts to you right now!

  6. So sorry you don't feel well AGAIN! I think the nasty cold you had before Xmas made it to the East coast where I caught it two weeks ago! But I have turned the corner and am starting to feel better, it is just taking a long time to go away. I find that taking Guaifenisin and Advil before bed helps me sleep a lot better! Get some rest and some chicken soup and I hope you feel better soon! Love your cat and quilt too!


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