Thursday, February 21, 2013

Dancing Naked and Eating Popcorn for Dinner

Some of you have taken classes from Harriet Hargrave--you told me so in response to yesterday's post.  And I think the universal feeling is that she takes herself and her quilting very, very seriously and expects everyone else to do the same.  That's the impression I got from her too.  And while I don't want to approach quilting in exactly that manner for myself, I think there's some good to be gotten from what she has to teach.  Oh, and I think at least one of you was hoping for a photo, so I'll post the one half-way decent but still blurry photo I caught--

And I have to tell you that when I first saw her, I thought, "My goodness, but she doesn't look any older than she did when she was here ten years ago!"  You know what?  I think I'm catching up to her in age!

Since I was at the guild meeting last night, I didn't get very far on my second house block, but I did manage to finish it tonight finally:

And here's how the neighborhood looks so far:

(That hairy stuff between them is just my design wall--there will be sashing between the blocks eventually and it will look much nicer.)  I'm truly not sure I can get the third one done tomorrow because there's a lot I need to do on it, but I'll see what I can do.

So what's the title of this post all about?  I bet at least a couple of you are wondering!  Well, Hubby left this morning for his annual visit to his friend in Florida and I'm on my own.  Free at last!  Okay, I know there are some of you who have lost a spouse or who are alone and would love to have a husband around, so you have trouble understanding my excitement.  And really, if you'd just send me your address, I'd be happy to send Hubby to you for a couple weeks.  The only requirement is that you have a recliner and a TV remote.  And maybe a blanket or quilt to throw over him and a pillow.  But mostly I'm happy enough to have him here.  Still, sometimes it's just nice to not have to answer to anyone or think about anyone else's comfort or well-being, right?  So if I want to have popcorn for dinner and do nothing but watch TV, since I'm on my own for the next week or so, no one will mind.  After 30-something years of marriage, that's a real treat!  And I just want you to know that if I DO dance naked while Hubby's gone, I WILL put some clothes on before I write my daily blog post, because I wouldn't want to weird you out too much.

What's your favorite indulgence when you don't have to think of anyone but yourself?


  1. quilt, quilt, quilt

  2. I like having the option of watching TV, then sewing, reading a book, napping and eating when and what I want. Not in that order but just having the flexability to jump from one to the other whenever I want.

  3. Reading in bed for as long as I want Into the wee hours of the morning AND Working on quilting projects in the kitchen and not having to put everything away. I must say your idea does sound like fun but I wouldn't want anybody to see me so I would be doing that by myself. Lol

  4. I think popcorn for dinner is perfect. I've done that myself, more than once, when hubby was gone. I think you're right on!!!!!

  5. I make meals out of what my husband calls "girl food."

  6. I've lived alone for the last 40 years, so I've had that freedom to do, eat, spend my time as I like for a long time. I don't think that I want to change now. I always said that my ideal husband would be an OTR driver. He'd come home once a week, bring the paycheck, mow the yard, share some love'n and be on his way. But that hasn't happened. Oh well....

  7. I long for the days when the husband heads out to deer hunt or fish for a week or so. He thinks I will be missing him, not happening...grin. Always tell him don't rush back, but then after 38 years that's okay. He sends me off with glee as well :)

  8. I completely understand! Would I want to come home to an empty house everyday? Not really. But I do enjoy the times my husband is gone. (usually after 10 days I'm ready for him to be back)
    The tv can stay off. I can have a PBJ sandwich for supper. I save a project to do so I don't have to answer questions. Enjoy your time!

  9. I my favorite indulgence? A good long nap. Since my hubs has retired and had some health issues I can count on one hand the times I've been able to have the house to myself in the past six years. Love him but wish I could drop him off somewhere for an afternoon! LOL!!!!

  10. I call it my Al Vacation lol, I'm in charge of the tv remote, sleep in the middle of the bed,sew all night, eat what I want when I want - love it! We got married a year after I graduated high school and have been married almost 23 yrs I never lived alone, so a week with the house to myself is a real treat. Enjoy your Hubby vacation and in a week you'll be happy to see him parking his butt back in that recliner!

  11. LOL! After 39 years of marriage, I know EXACTLY what you mean! I go on quilting retreats 3 times a year but hubby doesn't have that sort of outlet. I do remember though when he worked out of town once a week MANY years ago and I'd watch a chick flick DVD and make brussels sprouts and liver for myself--yeah, I know--but I love them and, according to hubby, "they stink up the house". Have fun!

  12. Taking a nap without interruption, eating ice cream while watching a movie without interruption, taking a bath without interruption, you get the drift...

  13. It's been so long since my hubby went away - I can't wait until he goes on his annual fishing trip next month. I love to be able to make popcorn, either salty or sweet and eat it without any comments from him. I love to watch movies late into the night, sew whenever I want to, sleep as late as I like etc....

  14. It happens very rarely, but if I'm alone I like to sit down with a big bowl of m&m's and watch Bravo reality shows. :-)

  15. pizza, milanos, chocolate then sewing!

  16. Yeah I like it when I'm able to be home alone. DH has been home alone for most of this week, as I traveled. To Phoenix, to fly back w my mom. He has gone out for Chinese, had pizza, and God only knows what else!

    Many of the grocery stores do carry out meals! Even whole foods! Life couldn't get much simpliar!

    Enjoy!!!! And Quilt ON!

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Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!