Tuesday, January 1, 2013

More of the Same

When I thought about my quilting goals for 2013, I realized that while I have enjoyed all of the applique projects I worked on in 2012, most of those projects were block of the month quilts that still aren't done.  It seems that somewhere around August or September, I got derailed on many of those projects.  I came close though.  With only a couple exceptions, most of those projects are only a block or two away from completion.

So for 2013, my goal is quite literally "more of the same"--continuing on with what I was working on with a view toward getting those quilts completed before starting any new block of the month projects . . . because I DO have a couple more that I'd like to begin at some point.

I also have a few pieced quilt tops that need to be quilted.  Well, to be honest, I have many more than "a few," but most of those have been languishing in the "quilt tops" basket for a few years now and I'd be unrealistic about my goals if I thought I'd somehow manage to get caught up with quilting all those tops.  But I have more on the rack in the Sweat Shop that were pieced more recently, and a couple of those are even pinned already.  So I'd like to get some of those finished up this year too.

Finally, I want to play a little more with wool applique this year.  I showed you the first of the wool sheep blankets that I'll be working on each month.  The small wool applique hanging quilt in the photo above is a little project I worked on today--another Buttermilk Basin monthly project; this one is for January, and the center square is separate from the background--it just hooks onto the background and can be changed out each month.  I also made the background so it's reversible--plain black wool on one side and black with white polka dotted cotton on the other.  I'm not committed to making the center squares for each month this year, but who knows?  Maybe I will.

I also want to make a conscious effort to cut back on quilt-related spending this year; mostly because I just don't have room for more "stuff."  Right now, I'm not very tempted to purchase anything new so that's easy to say, but I know myself well enough to know that sometime in the next couple months, I'll fall in love with five new lines of fabric, and I'll feel the need to buy them all.  Well, I'm not making any promises I can't keep, but I am promising myself to be a little more conscious of my buying decisions.  And that means that even though I may fall in love with five lines of fabric, perhaps I'll limit myself to one or two.

So far, I think 2013 will be a great year, don't you?  This cold still lingers a bit but I'm feeling much better again, and I've been back in the Sweat Shop for the past two days, being productive and having fun.  Do you have any quilting goals for 2013?  Happy New Year!


  1. Happy New Year Kim Glad you are feeling better.
    I have so many BIG quilts that need to be quilted. If I didn't buy a thing for a year I still couldn't afford to get them all quilted. My goal is to not make anymore BIG quilts except on for my GD. I will applique as usual. I envy you working with wool I am allergic to it :0(.
    There really aren't to many goals for the year but take better care of myself. Use up the fabric I have :0) and make more projects for charity.
    Enjoy your day

  2. 2013 is going to be the year of the Finish. I too have so many almost finished projects and I want to use the fabric I have in my stash. Working with wool is a new passion and I hope to complete a BOW from Primitive Gatherings. Hope you feel better. Just wears you out when you don't feel well. Happy 2013!

  3. I came to that same decision while cleaning and organizing my sewing room, I simply have too much stuff and no room for more. I too realize some new fabric lines are coming out that I'll want but I need to be more choosy and think longer before buying. That's my plan anyway. My 2013 goal is to not set deadlines for myself with sewing and just enjoy.

  4. Oh I am so glad to hear you are feeling better! I was worried about you, it seemed like you had been ill for so long! Take care of yourself and keep quilting. I like your outlook on 2013, not too much pressure but some good ideas!

  5. My only quilting goal this year will to be finish what I start. Eventually those UFOs will whittle down. Might start a new one today, but WILL finish it! Happy new year, Kim! Hope it's a healthy, quilty one for you!

  6. My goal this year is to get the borders done on several quilts. For some reason, I always stall out on borders.

    I started cutting back on my fabric this year-if I really like a line I will get a precut. if I absolutely love it I will get a fat quarter stack-I think I only bought two stacks this last year.

  7. I am sooo with you on quilting goals! I've got so much fabric that it's coming out of my ears and I have GOT to cut back on buying anymore! I've got tons of projects to make but I need to stop buying fabric and actually make some of them. I've also got four BOMs in the works and need to get going on them....sheesh! What's that old saying - so many quilts so little time!
    Happy New Year!!

  8. Happy New Year, Kim!

    I will be trying to finish some of my UFOs this year, I get way too easily distracted by new projects. I also need to start using more fabric than I buy, I've pretty much run out of room to stick the new purchases. Hopefully this will be the year, lol. Helen


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