Monday, January 28, 2013

Deja Vu

Did we just DO Christmas?  I guess maybe we can say I'm starting early for next Christmas!  Remember this quilt, Comfort & Joy?

This was another one of those block of the month quilts I was working on when I got sidetracked in the fall.  I still have two blocks and the border to make--and, of course, the quilting.  Today I put the parts up on the design wall and assembled the pieced blocks.  You might notice near the bottom a plain green square and another square to the right of it that's white with red pin stripes.  Those are the two applique blocks I still need to finish and they're what I'll concentrate on this week.  And the border.  Why?  Well, the group of bloggers that has been doing this quilt is planning a big reveal of the finished quilt, borders and all, on January 31st.  I wonder if I can get it done by then?


  1. I am sure you can do it. You work well under pressure :0) I can't wait to see it all done

  2. Of course you will get it done! You are amazing under pressure.

  3. Of course you can!! It is gorgeous so far! I have just a few details left myself before the big reveal. Have fun with it.

  4. Fantastic quilt! I'm sure you will get it done! Can't wait to see the big reveal!

  5. you can do can do it! :)

    See you Thursday!

  6. Your quilt just makes me happy. You've used such cheerful fabrics.


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