Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A Quilt So Far

I thought I'd show you the cream and red quilt top . . . so far.

I thought this would be it--all done.  But then I decided I should probably add at least another row of cream squares all around.  I think that will bring it up to 70" square, which is a pretty good size for a miscellaneous-use quilt, don't you think?


  1. That's really beautiful, Kim! Glad you are feeling better. Florence

  2. I like it Kim. You're right that will be a good size.

  3. Love this! Red is my favorite and this is a great pattern.

  4. oooo!!! i really, really like this one - and i was so iffy about all those red and white flying geese when you were making them - i was so, so wrong!!!

  5. It is perfect - the reds really pop against the creams. Good job.

  6. Perfect color combo and a really lovely pattern! I hope you're feeling better. Being sick sucks! I've been with you the whole time, I think I caught it from your blog. One block a day, that's my motto to get my strength back.

  7. Beautiful - glad that you're feeling better. My daughter had the same thing and she felt miserable for about three weeks!

  8. Absolutely stunning!!! With our without another row of cream squares. Wish it were mine.

  9. Georgeous quilt! Just in time for Valentine's Day - right?

  10. Oh! This is so gorgeous. I love it all! It is good to see you sewing again. We have missed your quilty posts. Hope your hubby is doing better too! I can't remember did you make this up or is this a pattern? Either way it is beautiful. K-


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!