Thursday, January 3, 2013

A House of Pestilence

Sorry to keep going on and on about this freaking cold, but it's pretty much become the center of my existence these last couple weeks.  When is this thing going to go AWAY?!

Although I'm feeling quite a bit better, I find that on the days I work, I come home from work without enough energy to play in the Sweat Shop or do anything else of interest.  Add to that the fact that there seems to be absolutely nothing on TV, and the result is that I have dinner with Hubby, take a bath, and head to bed with a book and a Tylenol PM, followed by about eight hours--at least--of sleep.  Yes, I know it's probably what my body needs right now, but it sure doesn't make for a very interesting life.

On top of that, I finally managed to pass this thing on to Hubby, so he's suffering now too.  Any thoughts of going to a movie for New Year's were set aside for the time being--we'll do that sometime later, when we're both feeling better again.  I just hope he'll recover quicker than I have.

So for now, my blog posting may be rather spotty; after all, one can only write so much about being sick with a cold.  I WILL let you know, though, if anything interesting happens around here.  Thanks for checking in on me!


  1. Well there's plenty of bugs going round this side of the pond too if you fancy a different one?
    Get well soon!

  2. Texas seems to be rife with bugs too! Dr. says mine and hubby mainly have seasonal allergies. Therefore this could last for a while! So tired of feeling awful!

  3. There sure is something going around back there. My niece and nephew in Folsom have it as well as my friend down in Manteca! Take care and do check in with us. We want you to get better.

  4. Just rest up and get yourself better. Those bugs are happening down here on the other side of the world too, for my 2 dd's. Not fun! Hopefully you will be back on board soon.

  5. Thanks care and remember we are all thinking about you and sending well wishes.

  6. Thinking of you - so sorry that your cold is d-r-a-g-g-i-n-g on.

  7. Sometimes you just have to do what it takes to get better! There is a lot of crud going on around here too! I'm wondering if you had a flu shot. It seems those of us who did are suffering less or not at all. Get well.

  8. Feel better soon Kim- this cold and flu bug is a nasty one if it is like the one that travelled around my classroom before Christmas.
    Wishing you and yours all the best in 2013.
    I am sure you will be back quilting and creating your beautiful quilts before you know it.
    Warmest regards,

  9. I sure hope you feel better soon. Being sick is no fun, especially since it cuts into quilting time!

  10. Hope your feeling better soon! There seems to be a bug going around here too that hangs on forever.

  11. Oh dear, Kim, I hope you and your hubby are feeling better soon! Helen

  12. Got the same thing. Know how you feel.

  13. Sorry you're sick, but my friend and I were claiming yesterday about how there is nothing on tv right now!


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