Saturday, December 1, 2012

Happy December!

Can you believe it's already December?  Well, it is by the time you read this because I'll set it to post at midnight on December 1st, but for me, it's still November.  Not that it makes much difference, because I'm not planning to accomplish much between now and the time my eyes close for the night.

What is it about stormy days and nights that makes us want to curl up in bed with a cup of hot chocolate and a good book?  Or don't storms affect you that way?  Maybe for me tonight, it's partly because it's the end of the work week, and going to bed a little early sounds like a fine idea.  Or maybe it's because I've been up a little late the last two nights.

Last night--Thursday night--when I went to bed, the storm was raging outside.  When I woke in the morning, it was quiet and the light outside was subdued.  What time was it?  I turned to look at the bedside clock and saw it flash 3:16, 3:16, 3:16, 3:17 . . . .  Of course, that meant the power had gone out in the night, so I still didn't know what time it was until I got out of bed, padded down the hall, and started up the computer.  It was 7:45--I was only about 20 minutes late waking up.  Not too bad, considering how much worse it could have been!  There must have been a little elf watching over me to make sure I made it to work on time--more or less.

Tomorrow (Saturday), I'm going to a large craft fair with friends and then out to lunch.  Tomorrow night Soccer Son has another indoor professional soccer game, and Hubby and I plan to attend.  When am I going to do my Christmas decorating?

I've started decorating a little bit.  Originally the plan was to start last Sunday when we got home from Thanksgiving, and I had arranged to have Monday and Tuesday off work so I could devote that time to Christmas decorating.  What happened instead was that I spent Sunday cleaning out and boxing up most of the books on my numerous bookshelves because I'd decided our house was just too small to keep collecting books that no one here was likely to read again.  On Monday, I did something similar with my many cookbooks, and then I moved some of the smaller pieces of furniture around, making a little more room in the house, so it seems less cluttered.  Then, finally, late on Monday, I got out the Christmas quilts and began distributing them around the house.

On Tuesday, I was feeling a little lazy and took frequent breaks for other pursuits, but I got a little bit done.  We got the big livingroom tree up (but not really decorated) and some of the garland up and lighted here and there.

The rest of the week's decorating efforts progressed equally slowly with nothing at all accomplished last night or tonight.

In past years, when my friends invited me to the annual craft fair the first weekend in December, I've declined on the ground that I had too much decorating to do.  This year I'm rethinking that response.  After all, what's more important during the holiday season:  Spending good times with friends or decorating the house for Hubby and me to enjoy?  Well, of course I want it ALL--doesn't everyone?--but I think I'll try to put more emphasis on my friends and less emphasis on my surroundings this year.  Oh, and I think I'll also put a little emphasis on snuggling into bed early, drinking hot chocolate, and reading a good book.  Everything else can wait a little longer.


  1. I woke up this morning and it was snowing! Weatherman said in the 50s today! Time for a good book and hot cocoa. Have fun decorating!


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