Thursday, November 29, 2012

It's Beginning to Look . . .

A couple weeks ago, Soccer Son came over to climb up a ladder to the garage rafters and hand boxes of Christmas decorations down to Hubby.  There are a lot of boxes stored up there, and in any given year, I may only use about half of the decorations, because I like to change things up and cycle things in and out.  And although I may have a few vague ideas in mind before I get started, I don't truly know what I'll use and what I won't until I'm well into decorating.

On this particular day, I stepped out to the garage to greet Soccer Son shortly after he arrived, and Hubby asked, "Is there anything you don't need us to get down for you?"

I thought for a minute, but as usual, I had no idea.  Being the smart Alec that I am--and because Hubby really SHOULD know my decorating methods by now--I replied, "Yeah, you can leave the ugly stuff up there."

Soccer Son leaned back against the washing machine, crossed his arms, and said, "My work here is done then."


  1. All I can say is - what a great family you have!
    Happy Christmas decorating.
    Jana in Prague

  2. I can tell that Soccer Son has inherited your sense of humour!

  3. Awwww I love that Charlie Brown tree!

  4. Those sons! They always know just the right thing to say....

  5. lump a coal in his stocking on Christmas Eve!

  6. I realized some time ago that the son's had got my number and were quick to duck and jive my conversation...someday they are gonna get there's!!! lol

  7. AHHHHH, Sons! Yep, I would have gotten the same reaction from either of my two that like to think they are Scrooge! LOL!1615

  8. OHHH to funny. I can hear a version of that coming from either of our sons. Told oldest one the other day to call Horders for me and his answer "Done Deal" Just hope we can get this house back together before Christmas so I can GET the decorations down from the attic. Thanks for my morning laugh!

  9. HOOO! Typical offspring, think they're so funny...trouble is, they are...giggle. My youngest said the other day she wanted to be a cactus when she grew up. I said dhe was going the right way about it with her spiky moods and quick as a flash she answered, 'just practicing!'

    Children! Who'd have 'em?

    Me! Me! You! Us!


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