Friday, November 9, 2012

Ah, That's Better!

Thanks for the well wishes.  After writing my post last night, I scheduled it to publish at midnight and went to bed--I turned out my light at around 9:30 p.m. and slept until 8:30 a.m.; then I called in sick to work.  We had a storm system moving through, bringing snow to the mountains and rain to the valley this afternoon, and in hindsight, I think it was just about then that I started feeling better.  I suspect it was either the change in barometric pressure or that the rain washed away whatever allergen was making me miserable--or both.  Unfortunately, I have a lot of errands and things to take care of before Saturday, so now I'll have to double up on Friday to get everything done.  Oh, well, I might as well get used to it--it's coming into that time of the year when constant errands and running around in preparation for the holidays is the norm.  I noticed several holiday-themed commercials on TV today.  Yikes!

I didn't do much of interest today--for the most part, I just read a book and put together Harrington and Hannah "kits" for my stitchery friends.  But I can show you something I hadn't shared before--how far I'd gotten on my red and white quilt project by the time I stopped the other night--I think it was Monday night.

So far, this is all just stuck on the design wall and nothing except the flying geese are sewn, so sewing is the next step.

And that's a lot of little squares to sew together too!

I suspect you don't recall, but when I started the year's goals, I'd planned to pull out a strip of paper each month telling me which unfinished Thimbleberries project I should complete.  I think I got to the second or third month and started a project that took a couple months and still wasn't finished.  Since then, it's languished on the design wall because it needed some applique, and I was trying to keep up with the BOM projects instead.  You can actually see just a bit of that project up above the red and white quilt in the second photo.  In any event, I've decided that when I get together with my stitchery friends on Saturday, I'm going to work on that applique and try to get this project finished before too much longer.  I'll show you how it's coming along after I've had a chance to do a little work on it.

Now it's time for me to get to bed.  One more day of work before the weekend, and I want to make sure I get a good night's sleep so I feel fine tomorrow.  Thanks for stopping by to visit!


  1. i very much like the peppermint star quilt on your design wall - i just might have to break down and make a red and white quilt someday

  2. I really like the r/w quilt - the stars are absolutely perfect!!! Yes, that's a lot of little squares to sew together!!

  3. Glad you're feeling better Kim. I am loving your r/w quilt!

  4. "Nobody does it better,"!!! AND I am glad you are feeling better too. Hugs

  5. I LOVE the progress on the red/white quilt! Glad you are back to your hyper self! lol

  6. So glad to hear you are feeling better. And am loving that red/cream quilt on your design wall.

  7. Wow, do I like your red/white quilt!! Although it looks like it? I refer to anything light with red as red and white! How large are your blocks? This looks great and I want to make every red/white quilt that I see. I have a folder on Pinterest of red and white quilts.
    Glad you are feeling better.

  8. Love your quilt! I think it is my favorite one I have seen of yours. Great design! Glad you are feeling better. K-

  9. Wow, Kim, I absolutely love your triangle quilt. One of the nicer red-and-whites that I've seen. But that's probably because your white is cream... Glad you are feeling better.


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