Tuesday, October 9, 2012

And The Universe Answered . . .

Sometimes things happen in life that make writing an entertaining blog post quite easy.  Like the other day when I pepper sprayed myself.  The day after that occurred, one of my readers, Donna, said, "I so look forward to reading your blog - so many days, like today, doing so puts a smile on my face."

On other days, it's hard to come up with anything that might interest the people who read this blog because it's a struggle to write something when there's not much going on in my world.  Quilting is a slow hobby and not even I can come up with something new to show and talk about every day.

Just last night, I was thinking about how hard it is to write sometimes and wondering if I could just pepper spray myself every time I have nothing to write about.  I really do like making my readers smile from time to time.

After work tonight, I had to stop at the grocery store to pick up quite a few things that can't be purchased at the farmers' market, like paper goods, cleaning supplies, and beverages.  As I was loading the bags of groceries into my trunk, I felt something hit the top of my head.  I looked up and saw

I hope SOMEONE out there is smiling considering the sacrifices I make to entertain all of you.


  1. Ok, yep, LOL and smiling! But, also, ewwwww, gross!!

  2. Not just smiling - laughing out loud!

    My mother used to say that bird poop landing on your head was a good omen. I hope something wonderful happens to you today.

    I love reading your blog, it's always entertaining.

  3. Now you have me wondering who sent you the "special delivery!" LOL

  4. Mother Nature always gives us wake-up calls wither we want it or not. Love your blog and always read it. Exciting pepper spray or just pics of quilting projects are always interesting.

  5. My first laugh out loud for the day! I'm so glad to hear those things happen to other people too! Thanks for sacrificing yourself!

  6. As always, you never cease to entertain me. :)

  7. Reading your blog makes me feel like I am chatting with a friend...a very amusing friend. I just realized that the picture of toes (portion of a nude photo lol) was gone - that made me smile each time I saw it!

  8. At least you weren't dressed up and waiting in line to attend a very special concert of an internationally known choir!!!!

  9. Thank you for taking one for the team! I walk my dog most early evenings down to get the mail and we usually go a little further up the hill to the local church. There are lots of bunnies for Maggie to get excited over and the view of the Rockies is beautiful. There are Canadian Geese, sometimes over a hundred, that fly back and forth over the area and at that time they are all headed east. I love to watch them as sometimes they are so low you can hear the wind in their wings. I always look up when they are flying right over me - mouth open. I know I'm gonna "get it" one day!

  10. I'm going to keep my mouth closed when I look up, to admire a flock of birds!! Thank you for the laugh, I know it was not funny at the time...yuck!


  11. I'm always amazed by the number of birds on wires around here in the evenings. I'm sure the kids are tired of hearing me exclaim "look at that!"

    But I still think it's fascinating.

  12. yep, I'm smiling ... at least it wasn't your car .... takes off the paint ya know!

  13. Oh, SO entertaining!! I actually have a blog but I post maybe twice a year because I think I have to have something amazing to say. Your blog proves that it's the every-day things that keep readers coming back for more.

  14. LOL!!! Oh Kim. First pepper spray and now birdie doo-doo. Thanks for the mid-day laugh. I needed it!


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