Saturday, September 22, 2012

One More Sleep

It's Friday night, and tomorrow's the big day--the day Soccer Son is wedding his Lovely Wife to Be.  Have I told you the wedding and reception are being held in the Lovely Wife to Be's mom's home/backyard?  I spent a chunk of the day there today, rolling and tying 80 napkins, only to find out later from the Wild Child that she, being a trained food service professional, could have done the same job in 20 minutes.  Which just goes to show that we never truly appreciate all of our children's talents, do we?

The garden venue is very lovely with a dry creek bed and large trees providing shade.  Wood farm house tables and chairs are scattered throughout the shaded lawn area.  The decorating theme for the wedding is shabby chic, old wood, dark and/or rusty metal, succulents, and vintage mementos.  Creams, beiges, and browns are probably the most predominent colors, with the attendants wearing several shades, such as lavender and pink.  It's going to be beautiful.

Tonight we were there for the rehersal.  I don't have a very big part to play--for the most part, I'm just led in by my son and seated.  If my shoes don't fall off, I'll do okay.

By the way, thanks for the heads up on shoes.  I had looked at Zappos that night before I wrote the post and didn't find much I liked that they had in stock.  When someone mentioned, I looked there that next day and DID find a couple pair I wanted to order, but as I was checking out, I learned I was about an hour too late to get next day shipping, and they don't deliver on Saturdays, so I was back to square one.  Earlier today, I went to a local shoe store and found a simple pair I liked well enough, and they seemed comforable--kind of a ballet slipper style but with a little bit of a wedge.  I wore them to the rehersal and found my heel kept slipping out or my pant leg would get caught inside the shoe.  So I don't know if I'll wear them or not.  Going barefoot is sounding better and better.

I suspect I won't write a post tomorrow night since the wedding's in the evening, but I'll write and post photos when I can.  Thanks for the well wishes!


  1. Kim don't let this sound wrong, but if you are having a problemnwith your heel slipping out of a shoe put a pantry liner in the back of it! I swear itworks! I love shabby chic! I'll bet it will be breathtaking! Havean amazing day!

  2. Have a lovely time and congratulations to the couple!

  3. Have a wonderful is best!

  4. Can't wait to see what you'll call "Lovely Wife to Be" after today--LOL!!

  5. Sounds like it will be a beautiful wedding. Hope all goes well and that you figure out a way to keep your shoes on. Cannot wait to see the photos!

  6. Congratulations!!!



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