Sunday, September 16, 2012

Just a Speck Left To Do

Oh, it was a VERY busy Saturday around here! The day started with a trip to the farmers' market. And that reminds me--I wanted to take a photo of some beans I bought and see if any of you know what they are and how to cook them. I'll try to remember to get a photo tomorrow. I didn't really catch the name of the beans, but one of the customers told me she hadn't seen them outside the Philippines for a long time. She said she likes to use them in stews because they need some extra cooking. The bean pods looked a bit like edamame but they're streaked with reddish color. I'll have to get a photo. I just couldn't resist bringing home something new to try.

After that, it was off to the mother of the bride's house to see the space and look at the decorations they've gathered so far, and now I have a much better idea of what's planned. Then I hit the vintage/antique street fair, where I found a five-candle shabby chic candleholder that might work well as part of the centerpiece for the bride and groom table.

Since I didn't get to the fair until close to noon, I think things were pretty well picked over. At the fair, I ran into my friend Imelda and her brother, and I caught sight of another quilting acquaintance, but didn't catch up to her--probably just as well since my time was limited. Still, I don't think I missed seeing anything and I sure could have bought more than I did, but I think I've spent plenty lately, so I'm trying to be a bit more careful.

I took a couple photos of the street fair for you. I wonder if that woman in the green top thinks I'm taking a photo of her? I really didn't even realize anyone was noticing until later--I just pointed and shot in the general direction of some booths!

On the way home, I stopped at the grocery store for a few things and then I cleaned house for a couple hours--I still have to do the kitchen tomorrow, but the rest is done--yay!

After we had dinner, I knew I SHOULD work on either the swap blocks or something connected to the wedding, but I just couldn't resist getting a little further along on Speck.

I still have the sashing between the rows to sew and then the borders, but it's close to done!

Tomorrow promises to be just as busy as today, so I'd better say goodnight. See you later!


  1. Congratulations to Soccer Son and his Lovely-Wife-to-become-Saturday.

  2. Sounds like you had a fun day. Your Speck quilt is really cute. I finished mine yesterday even got the quilting done.

  3. I love your speck! I am going to copy you and do mine in Halloween fabrics too.

  4. I wonder if the beans were Scarlet Runner Beans? Can you tell me where the street fair was? I think my mom might like to attend some time! Thanks!


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