Wednesday, September 12, 2012

If It Doesn't Move (Fast Enough), Add Embroidery

Off and on over the past couple of days, I've been embroidering pumpkins on a dish towel, and I finished it tonight. I bought the towel with the idea of adding the embroidery, but somehow I felt a little silly and I'm not sure why. Maybe because these waffle-weave towels seem too utilitarian for embroidery, but I loved the orange, so I went for it.

And maybe it seems a little like overkill since this is the second Autumn towel I've made in the last couple weeks--the other was one I did while on vacation with a pumpkin, star, and crow in wool--remember that one? [Editor's Note: I was actually ON vacation with Sandy, Irene, and Imelda, none of whom resemble a pumpkin, a star, or a crow, which I should have said was the design on the towel. Sheesh!]

This latest towel project was inspired by a free pattern from Bird Brain Designs--they have a bunch of them, as well as all of their wonderful not-quite-free stuff. To find the design I sort of used (their design is Jack O'Lanterns, but I left the faces off and moved leaves and vines--you can see the page I printed to the left of the towel in the photo above), click HERE. And while you're there, check out THIS design--I know I at least started it at some point a year or two ago, but I can't recall if I finished it or what I was embroidering it on; maybe just some muslin or (how original!) a dish towel. I'll have to look for that--I'd forgotten how darling it is!

I also wanted to show you--drum roll, please!--I finished the 120 flying geese blocks!

I have to turn them in at Thimbleberries Club tomorrow night.

I'm not sure why it is, but this always seems to be a productive time of the year for me when it comes to sewing and crafty stuff. Maybe because the long, hot days of summer are shortening a little and I know fall and the cooler temperatures it will bring is just around the corner. Maybe it's because I love fall and Halloween and I'm enthusiastic about jumping into the season. Whatever it is though, I'm on a roll. How about you?


  1. We're hit by the same bug. I have whipper out 3 doll quilts for a guild challenge, and finished a languishing wedding quilt top. Now for it's back!

  2. Love the stitchery on the waffle towel. May have to try that also. I too did the freebie. Love the cooler temps we are having here in SEVA and does indeed get the Fall decor bug jazzed up!

  3. Thanks for the link to the crow, hadn't seen that one...will add it to my impossibly long embroidery list of to-do projects,lol!


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