Saturday, August 11, 2012

Wish Me Luck

Here in Sacramento, it's been hot and it's expected to continue that way for the next several days. 105 degrees tomorrow. Or maybe it's 108--it depends on what forecast you look at. In discussing the weather, we Sacramentans usually commisserate with one another when it gets hot like this. Most of the time one person nods as the other proclaims, "but it's a DRY heat." As if a dry 105 degrees is that much better than a humid 90 degrees. Maybe it is; I don't really know. Personally, I'd rather be in a comfortable 76 degree climate.

Lately, though, Sacramento's seemed a little humid to me, and I've heard other people say the same thing. Saturday morning at 6 a.m., we're supposed to have 57 percent humidity. That seems high, doesn't it? In fact, it seems like a good reason to stay in bed.

Ah, but there's the rub. You see, I'm kind of enthusiastic about this farmer's market/healthy eating thing. Saturday morning we'll test whether my enthusiasm is greater than my desire to sleep in. Because you KNOW I'm not going to go out in that miserable heat if the morning is too far along and the thermometer is creeping steadily upward. In fact, I have absolutely no desire to be out of my air conditioned house between about 10:30 a.m. on Saturday and about 1 a.m. early Sunday morning.

The farmer's market starts at 8 a.m. I think if I leave the house around 8 or 8:30 a.m., I can get back home by 10:30 a.m. That means getting up early. On a Saturday. And the thing is, I have food in my house. I really don't NEED anything. I can make do. So we'll see. We'll see whether the delicious laziness of sleeping in wins out over the lure of fresh and healthy food. And I'll put the camera in my purse now, just in case, because I know some of you are going to want proof that I gave up sleep.


  1. I wholeheartedly agree with you about heat. When it is 100 degrees it is hot. I don't care if it is "dry" or if you are in the Amazon. Hot is hot! Give me mid-70s and I am a happy woman.
    When the weather is hot, I go to the farmer's market as early as I can drag out of bed. That gets me back home before the heat gets unbearable. (And I also get a chance to watch the farmers auction off their livestock and hay by getting there early!)

  2. As you know I'm from there originally and do know it gets hot! I've also lived in NM and there it is also a DRY heat that seemed killer hot. We then had to move to GA in July from NM. OMG thought I'd die with that thick humid heat that was miserable! The kicker was it wasnt as hot but felt wat worse. I totally understand when they say "but it's a dry heat.". I live in NC now and can't tolerate too many summer days out because humidity...and mixed with a few hot flashes eek!

  3. I live in IL and it is not uncommon for us to have 80% humidity! YES I would rather have 108 derees with lower humidity than a 90 degree day with 80%!! (I also lived in TX and it is MUCH dryer there!!) But ummm YES 75ish is PERFECT!! LOL

  4. I'm in Stockton, Kim, and spent the last 17 years in Wisconsin with their horrid humidity. It's even hard to breath in that. Give me this Cali dry heat any day of the week!

  5. I am wondering if you went to the market?? It is 102 degrees F out side right now. I need to get gas in the car but it is going to have to wait until later.

  6. ...and so what everything shriveled up???

  7. I was vacationing in NM in June when it was 106 for several days, but very little humidity. Then we came home to Iowa and it was 98 with 90%humidity. You just couldn't even breathe! I'd take the dry heat...although I'm right with you at 75ish!

  8. I have to laugh when I hear someone complain of 57% humidity. When we are lucky enough to get that low, I mark it on my calendar as a rare good hair day for my curly self! Love your blog and I agree with you-I'd love me some 76 degree weather-as long as that's the high for the day!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!