Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Comfort & Joy, Block 5

Can we really be on Block 5 already?! Christmas will be here before we know it . . . and, of course, long before we think we're ready for Santa!

Here's my block:

If you look close, you may realize the applique is prepped but not stitched down yet. I got this far before vacation and I've taken the block with me to finish while I'm gone. Of course, I've written this post ahead of time, and I'm hoping that by the time you see it, I'll have finished the block.

Don't forget to visit Anne at Cottons 'n Wool and admire her block. From there, you can click her links to the other participants and see how they're doing too. This is really a fun project! Thank you Anne!


  1. Your color and fabric choices are so wonderful! I'm going to let you choose for me next time, okay? Hope you are having a great time at the beach!

  2. I like the fabric you chose for the stocking. I think it has holly leaves on it.

  3. Lookin good! Hope you're having a blast with the girls.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!