Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Other Thing I Did . . .

Did I mention that at the retreat, I didn't work on a retreat project? Not at all? I planned to purchase the Abundance pattern and start making it in darker colors than the original, but I also brought a couple prepared blocks with me "just in case." So I DID purchase the pattern and I have it tucked away with the mostly Thimbleberries fabric I brought, but instead of working on that, I made the second Comfort & Joy block I showed you a couple days ago and I also finished the latest Autumn House block--I think this is number 7 for our little group.

We'll be cutting the fabric for block 8 during the first week in August, and finishing up by cutting block 9 and the borders near the end of August. I'm so pleased that we're getting near the end with this one because I'll be getting the kits for Sew Spooky and Sweetheart Houses sometime next week.

As it turns out, I've had a little extra time to stitch this week. I'll have to tell you more about that tomorrow. In the meantime, tell us about your packing personality when you go away on a retreat or vacation where you take things with you to work on: Do you overpack "just in case," do you underpack and find you've forgotten important stuff, or do you pack just what you need and work on all of it?


  1. Our group retreats every Novemember, and we all tend to overpack - projects, food, clothes... Last year, I took 5 projects, and actually finished 4 and got started on 5 before it was time to go. A first! But, they were all pieced projects.

  2. For me it is a combination of the first. I way overpack--anticipating that I will get way more done than possible, but at the same time, I manage to forget one or two really essential things.

  3. I love your block Kim. It brings me such good memories when I worked on mine.

  4. I like to think that I'm a work in progress. I've done it all - overpacked expecting to get a tons of work done, underpacked thinking I wouldn't get anything done, etc. These days, I tend to take one or two projects that I know will keep me busy. If my first choice in projects is close to completion, then I am sure to take a second one - just in case.

  5. I usually overpack. I like to be prepared for extended stays or more spare time for stitching. So did you like the retreat, would you recommend it?

  6. Your house is very cute Kim. I keep thinking of making it but (being somewhat lazy) I think about fusing or machine applique... I feel like the hand stitching would take so long. What do you think?
    I over pack. I have under packed before and have been sorry. I lug "stuff" around all the time... so what's one more bag!

  7. My quilt group in California goes on two retreats a year to work on UFO's. My BFF and I always drive up together and load up my van like we are moving out of the country (see my post of February 19, 2011)! I usually take four projects to work on. I'm never quite sure once I get there what project I will work on. Sometimes it's all of them, sometimes it's just one. Just whatever the spirits moves. We won't even talk about the dvd's to watch, books to read (that never get read), the electric blankets...the list goes on

  8. Just found your blog, love it. I am working on the borders for Comfort and Joy, the last one. My friend Pat designed the pattern love your fabrics.

  9. Oh I'm definetly an over packer. I try to hard to keep my projects to a minimum - I really do lol - but I always end up with way more than I can possibly do in 3 days. It's that old "what if" that drives the over packing. What if I get bored with the one project - forget something for another - feel like handstitching instead. A girl just has to have choices lol.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!