Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Merry Again!

As I was finishing the embroidery tonight on the latest Merry, Merry Snowmen block, I was thinking that considering I have so much time for sewing while on jury duty, I don't seem to be accomplishing anything as quickly as I thought I would. I know--I still manage to get a lot done. I agree. But I really thought I'd get more done with an hour or two of dedicated sewing time at the courthouse each day. AND I get home from work earlier too! What's going on?

I think it's been a few things. My birthday for one. I love celebrating and we've been doing just that for the past week. A day out with a friend last Saturday. Shopping for a few new things to wear on Sunday. Dinner out on Monday. Then the Wild Child came through on Tuesday night. (She had been in the Boston area for a friend's wedding, flew back into Reno, and was driving back up to Humboldt when she stopped in here to join us for dinner out and to load up a few more of her things.)

Then there's the fact that there's a lot of down time in jury duty that's still not very good for applique--like when we're waiting on the chairs in the hallway outside the courtroom; not knowing when we'll be called back in makes it harder to pull out the stitching supplies. Also, there's no surface to work on and the lighting is a little iffy.

I think I'll try to make a little more effort though. And, of course, things will calm down a bit now, I suspect. But probably not tomorrow--I'm still celebrating, and tomorrow I'm going out to lunch with a friend. And after I'm done at court, Hubby and I are going to the fair.

Oh, well. Now that I think about it, there are things that are a lot more fun AND a bit more important than getting applique blocks done quickly.

Here's the latest Merry, Merry Snowmen block. Without all the button and ribbon embellishments that will be added after quilting, it looks a little plain for now, but it's going to be a cute one when the quilt's done.


  1. Happy birthday Kim.
    I like your block and I ponder as to when i will start mine.
    What kind of white fabric did you use so there is no show thru?

  2. Happy Birthday wishes, Kim. I love that block, especially the way you used the three colors of the same print as background. I'll have to remember that one!

  3. I LOVE those snowmen! Happy, Happy Birthday! A week of a celebration is the way to do it! Florence


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