Sunday, July 15, 2012

Faster Than a Speeding Bullet

That's how quickly the retreat is passing! Saturday was another fun day with excursions to two gift shops (both with heavy Paris and vintage influences) and In Between Stitches quilt shop in Livermore. We also had a lovely tea with Verna and show and tell. The exciting news is that Verna's working on a book, and we got a sneak peek at a few of the projects that she plans to include, although we didn't take photos--you'll just have to be patient and wait until the book comes out next Spring. You should also know that she's hoping to have a retreat around the time of the book release, so if you're interested in her designs and the new book, keep an eye on her website, The Vintage Spool. Her retreats are really marvelous!

I don't think any of that is a secret, but if it is, don't tell anyone you heard it from me, okay?

I've been surprised to find a few quilters here have read my blog. It's been fun meeting such nice people "in real life." I just love quilters, don't you?

Isn't it funny how tired a person can get from just playing around with fabric, needles, and thread, and doing a little shopping? It's a little after 9 p.m. on Saturday night and I'm ready to take a shower and turn in a little early. (Besides, I have a little chocolatty goodness waiting for me on my nightstand alongside my book--some English toffee I picked up at a sweet shop today.) We have to check out of the hotel in the morning, so I guess we'd better get a little organized tonight too.

I'll be back tomorrow--and I hope to at least have a few photos to share. See you then!


  1. Sounds like a fun retreat! It is exhausting, too. :-)

  2. It sounds wonderful Kim- I am sure that the best part is just spending some dedicated time with Gran.
    I went off yesterday afternoon with a girlfriend to a quilt shop - we had a lovely time. She is a talented younger quilter who enjoys experimenting with fabric. She creates some beautiful things. It is always fun when one spends time with other quilters. The quilt shop we stopped in, showed us misty fuse and the lady talked about using baker parchment to draw the applique design on. You lay your fabric wrong side up, lay the misty fuse on top and then put the traced shapes( drawn on parchment) with a soft lead pencil)down onto the other layers ( misty fuse and fabric) You heat set it and the lead will transfer right on to the misty fuse/ fabric and you then can cut out your shapes. I think I got it right- I have not done much applique can you tell LOL.. Our original conversation began about misty fuse because I have only used steam a seam II and my friend has only used wonder under- The misty fuse is so much more light weight but still gives some body to the fabric. The lady used it in an Go cutter and it added stability for cutting too.
    Hope you have had a fabulous time-
    Warmest regards,


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!