Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Lovely Little Fatties!

Remember the new Bunny Hill pattern I was drooling over a couple weeks ago? Pumpkinville? Let me refresh your memory:

I didn't sign up for a block of the month program because I want to make mine with darker fabrics--fall and winter quilts just feel "right" to me in darker shades. The problem was, though, that my stash was a bit lacking when it comes to oranges and rusts.

Last weekend, I needed to run a couple errands to Trader Joe's and the quilt shop that's in the same shopping center (they had taken down their Schnibbles display, so I needed to pick up some quilts I'd loaned them). I had one of those "customer appreciation" reward cards burning a hole in my wallet for a few months, so I thought I'd use it for some orange fat quarters. Nice, eh?

Not bad for a start, but it gets better! Last week, I got an email from Renee Nanneman/Need'l Love about some new fat quarter bundles for fall. Was she reading my mind or something? It almost seems that way! So I quickly placed my order and look what was waiting for me when I arrived home from work tonight:

Now I can hardly wait to put the rest of the fabrics together and get started!

I hate to change the fall atmosphere on you, but I've got to tell you I finished this month's Merry, Merry Snowmen block--yes, "got to" tell you!

Why "got to"? I was getting a little worried about having too many block of the month projects going on, but I'm pretty pleased with myself right now because I think this is the earliest I've finished a Merry, Merry Snowmen block since we started. I've also finished this month's Autumn House and Country Cottages and I'm working on Harrington and Hannah now.

I guess I just want to be sure that if I start another project, I'll have time to fit it in and not become overwhelmed. But I wonder if I have time to fit three or four more projects in? Because that's how many I want to start in the next couple months. Yikes! At least Autumn House and Merry, Merry will be finishing in a few months. "Sew" many exciting projects, and "sew" little time!


  1. That teacup block is my fav in the quilt! And Bunny Hill's Pumpkin Pie pattern also caused me to bulk up on oranges...since I haven't started either I am resisting the siren song of Pumpkinville...so far! I look forward to seeing yours, tho!

  2. Love that darker fabric you bought!

  3. I can hardly wait to see how you put it all together. Everything you have shown is so rich in tone and texture!

  4. You're making it hard to resist the temptation of buying more fabric. I love your orange fat quarters and the 2 bundles that you just received. Can't wait to see them made up. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Busy, busy...my last BOM has three months left, then I'm out of BOM projects. I was thinking about doing the mystery BOM with FQS, but haven't signed up yet. Maybe if I wait long enough, they won't have any left! :)

  6. You are SEW right! hehe, I love the new Bunny Hill BOM also... but hadn't entertained the thought of a different color scheme. Thanks Kim! (that was a sarcastic tone) Kidding!

  7. Love the homespun fabrics. Your Pumpkinville is going to be super cute. I'm doing my Pumpkinville as the BOM and I think it's going to be very pretty in the Fig Tree fabrics. You amaze me with how fast you get your blocks done, good job.

  8. The snowman peeking from the corner block is too cute. I almost missed him because I was admirning your skiing snowmen. You are really keeping up with it all. I've put my BOMs aside. I need to get cracking.


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