Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I'd Like a Food Truck Please

Have you ever purchased food from a gourmet food truck? Have you watched Eat Street or other food truck TV shows?

I was driving home from my job tonight--my job with the law firm I've been at for 19 years and 7 months; the job where I do the same thing I've been doing since 1974--and it occurred to me that it might be fun to own a food truck.

What kind of food would I sell from my truck? What would be my gourmet gimmick? To tell you truly, I hadn't a clue, but driving around in a truck, stopping here and there wherever the whim struck and the law allowed, and then making people happy with yummy food . . . well that sounded like a pretty good deal.

But maybe I could narrow it down a little. Would I do breakfast? No, because that would mean I'd need to get up early, and I don't DO early. Lunch, maybe? Well, maybe. Just as long as it wasn't summer and I didn't have to sit in the hot sun too late into the afternoon. Dinner didn't sound very appealing though. People have gone home by then and aren't as excited about lining up for truck food, although the late night bar crowd has its possibilities.

So I kind of narrowed down my work day on the food truck to maybe 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. I'm not sure I could really earn much of a living working those hours. And then I remembered that one of the reasons I originally decided to seek employment as a secretary was because I didn't want to deal with people as customers. Probably because the concept of anybody but me being always right just doesn't sit well. So maybe I DON'T want to own a food truck after all.

But hey, suddenly it hit me! Since I'm always right, maybe I'd make the perfect food truck CUSTOMER. First, though, I'll have to find a truck or two selling their wares, and since by local law, they have to move every 20 minutes, that might be tough to do. I've heard you can sign up for alert tweets to find out a truck's location, but I believe you need a cell phone and I don't have one.

It was just about at this point in the thought process that I arrived home and my commute was over for the day. Maybe I'll plan out my food truck future a little more tomorrow. Or maybe I'll come up with a new fantasy to occupy me on the drive home. What's your current fantasy job?


  1. I like the part about "anybody but me being always right" - we are sisters!!

  2. We don't have food trucks here (kind of a smallish town) But I tell you they have 'carts' down in the District (that is a bar/danceclub/night Hot Spot in one of our towns) and can I tell you there is ALAYS a line at those things!! Even in the middle of winter! I am not a big District goer but you know the occasional pre wedding or b-day or what not! But I tell you they have the BEST gyros down there!!
    There is a taco, a Chinese (ish), Hot Dog!! LOL

  3. Wow, this really got me thinking. I guess my fantasy job would be the one I have--teaching, BUT the kids would come to school fed, clothed, and ready to learn, the parents would be supportive of the child and the teacher, the district would not require so much busy work/paperwork, and I would get paid what others with an MA make, or what a baby-sitter makes per hour per kid. OR I could just be retired!

  4. my current fantasy job is owning a summer home on Mackinac Island and sell fudge at one of the fudge shops. of course, i could eat all the fudge I want and actually lose weight! well! it is a fantasy, right?!!!

  5. I would love to go back to working part time at a library. I did that after I retired back in 1997 & loved it...well, except in the summertime when people would drop their brats off at the library for hours at a time. LOL

  6. Hilarious post! Love how your mind works!! If a job were for me to sit on a tropical island under a shade tree and just people watch...sign me up!

  7. Many years ago, when I first started quilting, I thought that I'd like to have a 'fabric truck'. Drive around to different places at lunch time so the employees could shop for fabric, notions, supplies. It was a hassle to go to the LQS when they closed an hour or so after work let out, so the truck would be more convienent.
    Thanks for sharing.

  8. Second vote for a curb service quilt shop..make it a fabric bus tho...Anyone else ever think of going into a quilt shop and saying, "I'll take a yard of everything?"


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!