Sunday, June 10, 2012

A Day With Friends

Today was the monthly gathering of my stitchery friends. I'm a little worried that I'm a bad influence on them, because every time I show you all a block of the month project, it seems they click right over and sign up. I sure hope all of you aren't doing the same thing, because I don't like the thought of all your husbands blaming ME!

It seems there are four out of six of us anxiously awaiting Shabby Fabric's Sweetheart Houses block of the month that begins in July. And a couple who have ordered Sew Spooky. And maybe just about all of us interested in Pumpkinville or its wool twin--the new Bunny Hill patterns.

Another project I think we're either all working on or still planning to work on is the Country Cottages by Shabby Fabrics. I showed you the new block the other day and a bit of the cottage I was going to use for block six. Today I finished it--

Well, actually I finished it tonight, after I came home, but I got most of it done while I was with my friends today.

As always, we ate really, really well. And often. I think we eat just as much as we stitch. And one of these days, I need to get photos of all the different projects the gals are working on to show you, but while I'm with them, we're all so busy talking--and eating--that I forget!

But I can pass on to you a little idea if you're making these cottages too. For the kite, I machine sewed a pinwheel block by cutting a 4-1/2" square of orange and a 4-1/2" square of pink and making the block. (Actually I made TWO blocks but I only used one, of course.) I then used the pinwheel block for the kite applique. Make sense?

While I was with my friends, I DID think of my blog friends too. Today I took several photos of Imelda as she appliqued using the method she taught the rest of us using starch and glue. I'll put together a little tutorial as soon as I have a little time.

Finally, Heckety (who is "noreply") asked in a comment about using buttons in quilts, as I plan to do with the cottages, so I thought it would be a good time to answer. I usually don't use buttons on quilts that we use for sleeping or cuddling, and if I do, I try to make sure they're the type of buttons that will lay flat--not the molded decorative kind that could scar a person for life if they lay on one. For the Country Cottages block of the month, each block will finish at 12", so this project will end up the size of a decorative wall hanging, and the buttons I plan to use will work out fine.

I hope you're enjoying your weekend! Thanks for stopping by to visit.


  1. Just returned from a 2 day retreat where I was introduced to a new (to me) pattern "Exploding Pineapple". Have you heard of it? The ladies were doing fantastic thing with it.

  2. Can't wait to see your appliqué tutorial!

  3. Your block is so cute. You beat me getting yours done so quickly. I do have my pieced all starched and ready for stitching but had to work on a project I've been putting off for way too long. I did sign up for the house BOM after seeing your post but it's no big deal that you gave me the little nudge to make me want to sign up. Now Pumpkinville I signed up all on my own without your influence, it was the looking at the cute quilt with the pumpkin cars that finally won me over to push some buttons. I really enjoy seeing your completed blocks and you motivated me to start my Merry Merry Snowmen.

  4. Aw, Nice Finish! Yes, indeed my husband wonders about the UPS trucks stopping to drop off things more often then not - I don't darn mention who is "making" me do it ... that's what friends are for, eh?!

  5. So I can tell my husband it was your fault. Lol. I had been debating about the Sweetheart Houses for over a month and after seeing that you were doing them it gave me the push I needed. I thought if I saw that you had your blocks finished it would motivate me to get mine done. I haven't decided which appliqué method I want to use. So I will be looking forward to seeing your tutorial.

  6. I love BOM projects! I have several I am working on but with two small kids in the house it goes very slowly. I would really like to the Shabby Fabric Sweetheart Houses too. They are so cute, but I have already committed to doing the Fat Quarter Shop's Designer Mystery BOM so other might have to wait. Thank you for bringing them all to our attention though. Then we have a bunch to pick and choose from!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!