Thursday, May 17, 2012

There Goes the Neighborhood!

Anne over at Cottons 'n Wool keeps getting me in trouble. She continually tempts me with quilt projects. One of them is Country Homecomings--

Anne, Anna (Woolie Mammoth), Paulette (Sweet P), Mary (Quilt Hollow), and a couple other gals decided to make this quilt and invited others to join in. You can check it out HERE. So I ordered the book.

Now you should know that these gals all fell in love with the quilt because of the homespun fabrics used, and I have a rather extensive "collection" of homespuns too, but when I pulled out a nice stack of homespun fat quarters, they just didn't really "speak" to me. What DID speak to me was the rather large stack of Sunkissed fabric I purchased last year for an online quiltalong that I gave up on pretty quickly.

When it comes to fabric, I think I'm sort of schizophrenic. I really like the country/homespun look, but I also like brighter, happier fabrics. So here are my first three blocks--the doors and windows aren't appliqued yet, but it's something I can take with me and work on anywhere.

I'm not sure what I think. Part of me wishes I'd just gone ahead and used the homespun and part of me thinks this could be a nice little summery project. In fact, THAT part of me is playing with the idea of making these three houses into a wallhanging quilt for a door. Whatever I decide, I'm sure I'll let you know.

What's your fabric "style"?

P.S.: If you're looking for this book at a price that isn't too crazy, try HERE.


  1. I've been watching those quilters too. I love their houses -- and now you surprise us with light, bright summer houses. Beautiful! Florence

  2. I'm with you - I am tempted by lots of different fabric styles and colors. I tend to go bright from January til about August when I move into slightly more greyed tones.

  3. Oh Kim, I love your houses can you save me a guest room! My stash also looks like several people own it! lol I could have warned you about Anne...but then where would the adventure be!

  4. I love bright fabrics, so of course I really like your version of the houses.

  5. I am SO glad that someone else is schizoid when it comes to fabric - I thought there was something seriously wrong with me LOL!!!!

  6. As my blog name indicates, I love fabric in general :) and am a bit eclectic in my choices...all part of the adventure...have been admiring those homespun beauties but I also enjoy your bright ones! As quickly as you seem to get things done..I have confidence you could do both and still keep up with them...

  7. I best get busy on mine before you all make me look bad!

  8. I LIKE your summer bright houses. Gives the quilt a very different look. I think you should continue with them!

  9. Love love love them! So glad you are the "odd one". Haha! At quilt market right now. More fun stuff coming down the line!

  10. 30's replicas hands down!!
    I like your fun bright houses! But then again I am not into 'americana' type fabrics! I like my fabrics bright, fun, and eye popping!!!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!