Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Let's Talk

Can we talk about housecleaning for a minute? Normally I clean my house pretty thoroughly every other week, and on the weekend between the thorough cleanings, I do a little bit of touch up of the worst stuff--parts of the kitchen, the bathroom counters, etc. After spending a good part of last Saturday either cleaning or procrastinating about cleaning, I felt like I'd lost a lot of my weekend.

I don't know how I didn't read Anna's blog while I was procrastinating, but somehow I didn't get around to reading it until Sunday. Anna has posted a housecleaning plan--a poster, actually--setting out chores for each day that sounded pretty do-able. Click up there where I first mentioned her blog and it will take you over there; then scroll down to Saturday's post.

Here at Casa de Kim, Hubby cooks dinner on weeknights and often doesn't start cooking until I come home from work, so that leaves me about a half hour of empty time--I hate to start sewing and have to stop again so quickly, so once I've changed out of my work clothes, I mostly just hang around and wait. I figure if I use that time to do that day's chores, I won't be robbing fun time to do house work and it will give me something to do while I'm transitioning from work to home.

And so far, it's worked just great! But really, it's only been a day--a single day of the new housecleaning plan. I'm pretty sure I could even stick to a diet for a day! And I think tomorrow will be harder, because Tuesday's chores involve cleaning in the kitchen, and I'm pretty sure Hubby won't want me cleaning while he's cooking, although I'm thinking about making Tuesdays take-out night. I could totally clean the kitchen while he's out picking up dinner, and it would give him a night out of the kitchen.

So my question is, what do you do? If you clean once a week--or once every two weeks as I do--have you tried a daily cleaning plan? If you ARE on a daily cleaning plan, does it work out pretty well for you? What do you do to adjust if you're away from home for a few days? Do you have any other cleaning routines that work for you? Since cleaning is really the one big thing I do that takes up a lot of time and I resent it greatly, I'd love to hear about other ideas. Talk to me, please!


  1. I "serious" clean every other weekend. I usually do the common areas (living, dining, bath and kitchen) on Saturday and then my bedroom and guest room on Sunday afternoon. Once a month or so I attempt to clean my studio. That is the worst room in the house because I am incredibly messy when I am "creating".

  2. I'm retired and need a schedule like this so I won't be cleaning all the time. I try and keep my kitchen clean..it is the first thing people see when they come in the front door....different house layout...

  3. I do the kitchen and pick up around the house daily - in the mornings. The bathroom gets scrubbed weekly. I vacuum as needed, usually twice a week. On the fourth Saturday of every month I spend 2-4 hours thoroughly cleaning. My space is small so "things" have to be put away after use.

  4. I need an assistant - I don't seem to mind the cleaning while I'm doing it - I just hate to take time from my "free" time to clean. I need help. I pick up every morning and wipe up the kitchen each day too (after dinner usually). But the rest seems to be done whenever I can't stand it anymore - about once every 2 weeks...should be more. I'm looking for a plan too.

  5. The BIG clean (like a full vacuum, kitchen floor polish and major dusting etc) is done about once every 3 weeks, unless visitors are due! I always check daily the bathrooms and make sure they are clean and smell good. The kitchen worktops/sink and table is another daily priority - overall I feel my home is clean (we do live in the middle of nowhere so have no traffic dust etc.)and if the spiders find a few cosy corners under the beams that's OK by me! As for my sewing room - well that constantly needs a tidy up due to the many "works in progress" - all good!!

  6. The day I retired, I found a person to come in monthly to do the floors and bathrooms, 4 hours only small house. When she is doing this I clean my sewing room and office. Rest of the month I pick up daily and clean kitchen counter top and bathroom also. This gives me time to do yard work and enjoy life. Hubby helps too.

  7. I had to kind of giggle at the vacuuming only twice a week! I WISH I could get away with that one! I have to do it every day! (not saying that I have a clean house because I DO NOT!) i just have a big dog who sheds!

  8. No help here - all I know is that I feel better if things are tidy, kitchen and bathroom clean. I think Anna has a good schedule worth looking at.

  9. I have every room and closet written on little pieces of paper and once a month I draw one. That month, I deep clean that room and give the others a quick once over. I clean bathrooms weekly and the kitchen after cooking, but when I deep clean it means every corner, drawer and cupboard. I have been doing this for years and I must admit that I do skip months especially when there is outside garden stuff in the summer.

  10. I do something like Anna's list, laundry only on M,W,& F. Vaccumm, mopping every M. Dusting T&Th(I live in Galt, dust capital of NorCal!), kitchen cleaned every night. The rest of the house is pretty much tidy up, so it only takes me about 30-45 min., a day. But remember, I am not working, so this works for me. One last note, my nails really are suffering too!!



  11. I really like Orcsmom's comment - her schedule is one that could work for me (except I would only do laundry two times a week). I read the cleaning schedule that was posted on Anna's blog and thought it could work with a little tweaking, but then I really don't want to be doing housework six days a week (that's why I like Orcsmom!)...it's just about next to impossible to find time to quilt at this point and I have GOT to put together some sort of time management/house cleaning schedule. But it is nice to know that I'm not the only one that's trying to streamline their the housecleaning chores! I'm curious as to what others may suggest......

  12. Monday night vacuum, dust and put stuff away.
    Tuesday morning, empty dishwasher and clean tub/shower and bath after use.
    Tuesday night is sewing night.
    Wednesday morning use other bathroom and clean after use.
    Wednesday night is laundry night.
    Thursday morning, put clean clothes away, empty dishwasher and clean tub/shower after use. (note: we have three full baths!)
    Thursday night grocery shopping and meals preparation for the following week.
    Friday morning yard work and Friday night is sewing night.
    Saturday and Sunday is quality time with husband and children if they are in town visiting.
    Can you tell I'm very OCD! The DH and I are empty nesters and we both work full-time jobs and the DH is also a part-time pastor.

    gail in Virginia

  13. Today I discovered the perfect solution...no pun intended. Since I have not been able to keep up with the intensity of the schedule I have left a bucket of pinesol and a mop sitting in the laundry room. The aroma when I walk in makes me think my house is clean....therefore I believe...LOL

  14. Love Anna's last comment - I will try that one too!!

  15. We have cleaning angels come once a month so the entire house is clean at least one time a month---other than that, it is clean as we go...what looks like it needs doing gets done. I dislike dusting and don't mind if it hangs around awhile. The kitchen is cleaned constantly and toilets/counters in the bathrooms too.

  16. A long time ago a friend gave me the book Sidetracked Home Executives. It taught me how to put my cleaning schedule on 3x5 cards and rotate them according to daily, every other day, weekly, every other week, and monthly tasks. I set up my 3x5 card file system without telling my husband. It took me 6 weeks to clean out closets, throw away, give away, and donate stuff. It changed my life.

    I made out a plan. There was a heavy cleaning day, a moderate cleaning day, an errand day, a free day (Quilt Guild, Sewing with friends, etc), quiet day (pay bills, phone calls), family day, and Sunday (rest, visit family, go to church, etc).

    I still get "sidetracked", but I know how to jump back on and get my house in order again. That's not to say that everything is perfect in my house, because it isn't. However, it did make me aware of jobs that needed to be done (like dust the ceiling fan blades. I never noticed them being dusty!) and that once something is clean doesn't mean it's clean forever. I did notice, though, that when my house and life were more organized, it gave me the free time to sew/quilt.

    I also follow along with Fly Lady at http://flylady.net. She has everything on the computer, and gives you daily inspiration and tasks to do. She has her house cleaning set up in zones. It's a lot like Sidetracked Home Executives, and that's where she got her inspiration from, but she doesn't use the 3x5 card file system. Personally, I like physically rotating my jobs. :)

    I had to laugh when I saw that she changed her Scentsy every Monday. That's great!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!