Saturday, May 26, 2012

Haven't Done This in Awhile

You're familiar with Lori Smith's patterns, right? Her company is From my Heart to Your Hands. A couple weeks ago, I was looking for the pattern for a quilt I saw at the last Thimbleberries Club meeting and I ended up ordering two different patterns from her website--she has wonderful designs using traditional quilt blocks.

Anyway, she was at quilt market when I placed my order and I guess she felt badly that it took awhile for her to get the order in the mail--not that it bothered me at all because Lord knows I have PLENTY to keep me busy! Along with my two patterns, though, she sent along a freebie for making me wait--

There are patterns for all nine small quilts in the one package. Each quilt finishes at 16" x 20". Are you interested in winning the pattern? I already have several of her mini quilt patterns and I think I might even have this one, so I'm willing to pass it on to a lucky someone. Unfortunately, I can only afford to mail the pattern to residents of the US or Canada. I'll randomly pick a winner on Sunday night and will post the winner's name on Monday's blog post. Just leave me a comment on this post, telling me you want to be entered.

If you click on the link where I mention Lori's pattern company above, it will take you to a page on her website showing some of her patterns. If you aren't familar with her stuff, take a look.


  1. I would love to win her pattern. I have her book and a couple of her patterns, maybe I need to finally make one as a summer project!

  2. Love Lori Smith's pattern! I have made some of her patterns, but don't have this one and I have been thinking about making my grandson a little doggie quilt to hang in his room.

  3. I love her patterns and would love to be entered for the giveaway. Thank you for the opportunity.

  4. Yes, I would love Lori Smith's pattern. I so enjoy mini quilts.

  5. Would love to win, how generous of you!

  6. Since I have been out of the quilting loop for a while, Ihave not tried any of this designers patterns. Would love to give it a go. Thanks for the chance.

  7. Thanks for the giveaway!
    Love the patterns!

  8. Always need a new pattern. Would love to win.

  9. Thanks for the chance to win! Lori's patterns are wonderful. I'm collecting wools for an applique pattern of hers that's amazing.

  10. I have always wanted to try a mini quilt. this would be a great chance to get started.

  11. Would love to win this-don't have any mini quilt patterns. Thanks for doing this giveaway!!

  12. I would love that pattern; small quilts are about my speed. Those look so cute.

  13. Love the patterns..they are all so cute!

  14. I would love to win Kim ,I love Lori 's patterns.

  15. Would love to win, thank you! Those mini's look adorable :)

  16. Yes, yes, yes. These are adorable and I wold love to make MANY of them. Thanks for the chance to win the pattern. Have a wonderful long weekend.

  17. I love mini quilts. Thanks for the chance to win a pattern for so many!

  18. I mostly make small/miniature quilts and would really love to win your pattern. Count me in for the drawing!!

  19. Sandy from ThimbleberriesMay 26, 2012 at 6:46 AM

    I would love to win the pattern. I went over to the site you mentioned and saw all the small quilt patterns. I have two of the hangers that are begging for a small quilt to hang on them.

  20. Please include me in your drawing - and thanks for the nice giveaway!

  21. I love it when you get more than one pattern. It give you more ideas to mix and match.

  22. Not only are these just the cutest patterns, but they are in my favorites: 1930's repros. Thanks for the giveaway.

  23. Kim, I'd love to win 1 of Lori's patterns. The only mini/small quilt I've made was "The 12 Days of Christmas", by the Temecula Quilt Co, earlier this year. Thanks for sharing, Toni Anne

  24. OMGosh, Pick me! Pick me!
    I have never won anything online and this pattern, I simply must have.
    Thanks so much for the chance.

  25. I, too would like to try a mini-quilt. The patterns look very cute. Thanks for the chance. Sue in MN

  26. Hi KIm!
    Love Lori Smith...and besides designing wonderful quilts, her prices are excellent too!! Thanks for the chance to win one of her gorgeous patterns!

  27. Hi!
    I am starting to collect Loris patterns! Thanks for the wonderful giveaways, her patterns are great!
    Take care, Leslie

  28. I would love to win these patterns! I am trying to get better at my free motion quilting and what better way than with a bunch of small quilts that are more manageable to practice on.

  29. Would love to win her pattern - just added to my stash of 30's fabric, so I'm ready!!
    Thanks for the chance.

  30. Nice pattern. I would love a chance to win.

  31. Please pick, I mean please enter me!! Hugs!!


  32. I would love to win the pattern. I am a new quilter and have already picked the one I would make if I win.


  33. I too have several of her patterns but I don't have this one. Please toss my name in! Thanks!!!

  34. Oh pick me pick me ;) I need a new project!
    xoxo melzie

  35. I have never used her patterns, it looks like a fun way to use those scraps. Enjoy your long weekend. We are enjoying our in the rain, I'm afraid.

  36. I would love to win the pattern that is sweet of you to pass it on. They would look great in civil war material. thanks Sally

  37. Oh I would love to win this pattern! I love mini quilts and it it would make a great summer project!! Thank u for the chance!

  38. I have done several of Lori Smith's patterns and would love to do more. They are the best! Thanks for the chance to win.

  39. memememememe please. I love making minis. I am not familiar with this designer and from what I see in the pic. I think I will like her! (mauh) Liz

  40. Thanks for the generous giveaway Kim. I too have a passion for minis and I love all the bright colors Lori used on the samples.

  41. Would love to win the pattern. I am just finishing a large Quilt of Valor and would like a small project or two. Thanks Kim, for the giveaway.

  42. I would love to win one of her patterns, they are so cheerful and sweet. Thanks for the chance!! Love your blog, visit daily!!

  43. I would love to make one of the 16 X20 for a newborn 'bring baby home from hospital' quilt for my brother's baby due in September!

  44. Yes please count me in! I don't have any of her patterns but have lots of 30's repros that I think would be WONDERFUL to use for this.

    Sandy A

  45. What sweet patterns!

  46. I love small quilts and thanks for a chance to win.

  47. Oh, what fun. I do love working with small and miniature blocks. I'd be very happy to give this pattern a good home.

  48. I would love to win the pattern. Thank you for the generous giveaway.

  49. I love her patterns and have several that I'm planning to make. I also have her book. I think the only one I've made is her first sampler quilt with more than 8 different blocks. I would like to be included in this draw.

  50. I've been itchin to make a few mini quilts. Would love to win these patterns. Have a great weekend Kim. Thanks for a chance to win.

  51. I would love to win the pattern. I have a couple of her patterns, but not that one. Thanks!

  52. I love Lori Smith's patterns. I have one of her books, and would love these patterns. Enter me please. Thanks.

  53. Kim,

    That is an adorable pattern. I think Sandy really needs to win! I would help her finish at least one!!!

  54. That would be great. Your blog is the first one I read each day.

  55. Thank you, yes, I would love to win this set of patterns. I am fairly new to quilting and minis are a whole new ball game. Happy Memorial Day weekend!

  56. I love her patterns !! How nice of you to pass it on.

  57. Would love to win these darling patterns!

  58. I'm not familiar with the designer but I love mini quilts and have bulging scrap drawers at the moment. Thanks for the chance to win the patterns!

  59. We moved into a new condo in December and I finally have my own sewing\craft room. I need some decor to hang on the walls and some of those cute mini quilts would be perfect. Thank you so much for the chance to win.

  60. Acckkk.....won't accept my comment, trying again. I usually stop by Lori's booth at Houston Festival each year. She is such a sweet and genuinely nice person. Her mini quilts are stunning....the piecing as well as the hand quilting. I am looking for a pattern for a doll quilt for my granddaughter's birthday this summer. This might just be the one. Several of these are definite possibilities.

  61. Oh those look so sweet! I am looking for mini patterns to use some of the 30's prints I have. Thanks for the chance to win this. You are always so sweet in passing things on to us. K-

  62. Ooh, I love Lori Smith's patterns. I will cross my fingers and toes hoping that you will pick me :-)

  63. I love 16" x 20" quilts. I have a window in my front door and in the summer, the sun shines right in our eyes from that window! I've made a few 16 x 20 minis for this window and love changing them out for the seasons. A few new ones would be great! Thanks for the opportunity to win this pattern!

  64. Oh I would love to win the pattern. Lori does lovely work and I enjoy working on her projects.

  65. Still playing catch up from vacation - hope I'm in time to get in on this! Love LS patterns- have made several. Seeing this one reminds me I have a brand new (feb) great niece that I'll need to do this stuff for!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!