Friday, May 4, 2012

Guilty Food Pleasures

Why is it that bad things are so darn GOOOOOOD sometimes? At our Autumn House gathering earlier this week, my friend Sandy brought along these:

Who would have even thought they'd be good? They're clearly out-and-out junk food of the purest kind. In fact, a nutrition site on the internet gave both of them a D grade. And I'm kind of embarrassed to confess I like them, but darn are they GOOOOOOOD together! You just put a handful (or two) of corn chips in a bowl, heat up some cheese dip, and spoon it over the corn chips. I'm naming the resultant dish People of Walmart Nachos. Of course, this treat is about as Mexican as my former roommate's Velveeta cheese and Spam lasagna was Italian. But at least it tastes better. A LOT better! I can tell I'm going to have to smuggle this Fritos/Tostitos cheese dip combo home from the grocery store sometime soon.

When you go to the grocery store and buy "bad" things, do you ever hide them in your grocery cart under the veggies? Do you even buy MORE "good" stuff so the checker won't think poorly of you and your nutritional choices? Or have you battled temptation for so long, it's second nature and you're never tempted?

What's your favorite food indulgence? You know; it's that thing you go for when you've decided to give in and give up temporarily. Or what you might chose as a food reward; or perhaps you allow yourself to eat it only on holidays and other special occasions?

I suspect most of us would say "chocolate," but do you have a favorite variety or brand? Do you have any "rituals" for indulging in your special treats? Close your eyes for a moment and imagine the perfect, completely satisfying food experience. Now go ahead: tell us about it.


  1. Oooooh GOOD AND PLENTYS. I buy them when I have thegrand kids with me LOL

  2. Right now, I'm on a pie kick. Especially fruit pies. However, we bought a coconut cream pie yesterday & it's heavenly! I really don't care what the grocery checkers think!

  3. I could not have those items in my house! I am definitely a salt person! Chocolate can sit in my house for months without fear...but pita chips, HAM!!!, OMG, crack for me! I sometimes long to buy a package of hot dogs but am afraid I would run into someone I knew...I live in a small town.

  4. Creme horns are just but one of my many vices. I really need to get a grip. Sigh.

  5. Oh. I really like Ruffles potato chips and then ranch or french onion dip. And then washed down with a big glass of Dr. Pepper. I maybe eat this once every two years!

  6. Chocolate ice cream (the full fat kind), those little Dove chocolates with the sayings on the foil wrappers, and oh! pie. Needless to say (as a single woman), I need to do something about the shape of my packaging.

  7. My family loves Scoops, but we occasionally indulge with something besides cheese. You lay out the scoops on a tray and we also make a mixture for scotcharoos. (1 cup sugar, 1 cup corn syrup, and 1 cup of peanut butter. Mix in a sauce pan over medium heat. When you get a bubble or two, take off the heat and pour a little in each of the scoops and let cool. Yum.

  8. I really like any type chips or crackers w/ the commercial type dips in a jar like Lay's Ranch Dip but I also serve w/ crispy fresh raw veggies. Dark chocolate is a big temptation, also! I seem to purchase junk food only when I have my cart full of many healthy foods! Who am I kidding?

  9. VERY dark chocolate. 70% cocoa. Just a few squares though.

  10. adding to my grocery shopping list to have at home when I'm craving salt. Oh yea. Dove dark chocolate is a favorite around here. Chocolate and chips. We're a sweet/salty kind of family.

  11. For instance today, I'm eating a tiny lunch, so that sometime from 3-5pm I can rush over to Starbucks and get my 1/2 price Frapacino!! Now that has got to have a boatload of calories in it, right? But Yum-O

  12. Homemade Peach pie...and chocolate brownies with cream cheese. Not sure which has more calories but both are delish!

  13. My weakness is Hershey Kisses. I am a teacher and that little bit of chocolate sometimes is enough to keep me going through the stressful days. I even have a container that holds a bag of kisses and has "A kiss a day keeps the meanies away" on one side and a Hershey Kiss on the other side!

  14. Deep fried chicken wings with ranch dressing and poutine on the side. Yum!

  15. Butter Pecan ice cream and I have a preference for a certain brand!! My second favorite would be Reece's Peanut Butter cups. I try NOT to buy either one very often.


  16. Vanilla ice cream covered with warmed crumbled chocolate chip cookies or brownies. Heaven!!!

  17. I would say it depends on if I am in a sweet or salty mood!! Sweet: Cheesecake! hands down!! Salty: Rufffles with Sour Cream and Onion dip

  18. Lay's BBQ Potato Chips. I buy one bag for me and one for the family and pretend there's only one bag, so I get one to myself. Don't know why, I can't help myself.

  19. Dove dark chocolate. I need say no more.

  20. Having been there and done that (shish no restraint on my part) the only thing I could add is chocolate drizzled over the strawberries and whip cream we ate after our dinner. OMGosh we know how to eat well - LOL!

  21. I have eaten at Sandy's house at least 20+ times a year for years and never ever seen anything like that in her house. What did you do to her??? The real Sandy is showing up?


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!