Monday, May 28, 2012

Fair Trade?

I'm sure you'll remember I was drawing the winner of the above pattern tonight, right? Well, I wanted to have the Wild Child pick the winner, but when I emerged from the Sweat Shop after my late-night appointment with Doc Schnibbles, I found everyone had already gone to bed. Drat! So I defaulted to the old, reliable random number method of picking a winner, and that winner is Mary of Quilt Hollow.

Now the really odd coincidence is that out of 66 entries, Mary's name came up, and I just won a pattern from HER a week or two ago. So we're sort of just trading patterns, in a way.

If you didn't win this one, don't despair. I'll be having another giveaway for the Doc pattern before too long. I'll probably be ready to debut my quilt top tomorrow--I'm really loving this one and I bet you'd love making a version of it too!

Have a happy Memorial Day!


  1. Omg! Too weird! Thank you! I didn't have this one!

  2. Sounds like a good trade to me! Happy memorial day!

  3. Congrats to Mary, she's going to love getting this pattern. Happy Memorial Day Kim. I'm going to do some sewing today and just enjoy having the day off.

  4. that just happened to me too! congrats winner!


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