Monday, April 23, 2012

More of the Same . . .

I thought I'd get the Schnibbles quilt top done in just a couple hours today, and maybe I WOULD have if I hadn't sewn a couple rows together upside down!

Quilting always takes longer than we expect it to, though, doesn't it? I discovered my mistakes about mid-afternoon and spent a little time reverse sewing until I had to leave to meet family for dinner. In the evening, I sewed everything back together--in the correct order--and finished the quilt top by the time the 11 p.m. news came on.

I did a little more meal preparation today too--I cooked some pasta and put together a casserole for Hubby to bake later in the week. I realized we had a bit of sliced pepperoni and some shredded mozzarella left from something Hubby had made a week or two ago--I added them to the pasta and the sauce I made yesterday, I think it will turn out nicely! Although Hubby cooks on week nights, sometimes it's just easier for me to do a little meal prep ahead of time than it is to try to write down a recipe or explain to Hubby what I had in mind, especially when he calls me at work--I often have a hard time mentally switching gears from my work to what's going on at home. So this is easier for him and for me. Gosh, I even made apple pancakes with sauteed apples for breakfast--I guess maybe the domestic fairy whacked me on the head with her wand while I slept Friday night.

I thought I'd get to work on an applique BOM project or two this weekend but I sure didn't get to it. Something to look forward to this week--I'd hate to run out of things to do, wouldn't you? As if THAT would ever happen! Happy quilting!


  1. beautiful version!! I finished the binding of mine yesterday... It is my favorite LOL. Kisses from Spain

  2. Gorgeous quilt top...and meal prep too! I'm jealous!

  3. LOVE the fun bright colours in your quilt!!

  4. Love your fabric choices for your schnibble, It looks wonderful!

  5. You certainly have energy - how do you do it?? Love the Schnibbles especially the way you cut the circle sashing!!!

  6. Not only would I love to come and sew with you... but I would love to be in the kitchen, or more so the dinning table at your house... your cooking sounds wonderful and your Schnibbles Summer Day quilt looks delicious also!


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