Sunday, April 8, 2012

Just 17 Miles . . .

As I'm getting ready for Easter, I thought for tonight's post I'd share some of the beauties of the 17-Mile Drive. The 17-Mile Drive is a scenic area stretching along the coastline and slightly inland, running north of Carmel. The "drive" is owned by the Pebble Beach Corporation, and sightseers pay a toll to get into the gated community. There are plenty of turn out spots for photos, hiking, and picnicking. Besides the breathtaking scenery, there are equally breathtaking mansions dotting the landscape--my photos capture only nature's beauty, but the architecture is worth the trip too--and it's kind of fun to wonder and speculate about who might own houses on the "drive."

The 17-Mile Drive is also famous for its golf courses, including Spyglass, Pebble Beach, Cypress Point, and Poppy Hills. The receipt for admission to the drive can be redeemed for food and drink at the Pebble Beach Lodge restaurants. The first two photos were taken of and at the Pebble Beach Lodge, where we stopped for a hot adult beverage out on the veranda overlooking the ocean.

Happy Easter! I hope you're relaxing, spending time with loved ones, and just generally enjoying the day!


  1. Beautiful and breathtaking!
    This is the day that the Lord has made! Let us rejoyce and be glad in it!!

  2. Gorgeous! I've done the 17-Mile Drive but haven't been to the Lodge. Thanks for sharing!!!

  3. Great photos. Since I've never been to Pebble Beach it was fun to see a bit of what it's all about..... another perspective of the Pacific coast. Beautiful.

  4. Beautiful! My 2 trips to that area are emblazened (word?) in my memories - LOVE it. Thank you again for bringing California to Michigan. How fortunate we are to live in such a great country. Happy Easter to you and your family!

  5. We were there about 6 years ago - your pictures make me want to go back TODAY!!! Thanks for sharing!

  6. It is a great place to visit!!! We had a family member that owned a home there. She and her mom were working in the front yard and said hello to a man walking down road. After he had gone by she asked her mom if she knew who it was. "NO" she replied. "Clint Eastwood!!" Boy, no one like that ever walks down my street!!!

  7. Nice pictures Kim. Happy Easter.

  8. What a gorgeous spot Kim- I love the rocks and the beautiful trees - Thanks for sharing. Happy Easter to you and yours..


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