Sunday, April 15, 2012

Join Us!

I spent a lovely Saturday with my stitchery gang. As usual, lots of talk and laughter was shared, food was devoured, and inspiration and creativity were liberally sprinkled throughout the day. I wish you could have been there!

Harrington and Hannah hopped through almost everyone's work area--two of us finished the second block and three of us started on the third. One of us worked on the second Merry, Merry Snowmen block--she needs a little prodding sometimes to keep her going but she's doing really well, especially considering she hasn't appliqued much for quite awhile.

I had a comment on my blog this evening from someone who said she wished she had a group of friends to prod her along to work on Merry Merry Snowmen, and that made me think--I'm lucky to have the friends I do but maybe the next best thing would be a "support group" on Flickr for those of us working on the BOM. So I started one!

If you're working on this quilt, whether as a block of the month or just on your own, please consider joining our group and posting photos of your progress. I've started a discussion that members can participate in, asking whether you're doing the BOM through a shop or on your own and also asking what fabric you're using (if you're not using the Rouenneries Deux fabric that most shops are using for their kits).

I've uploaded photos of my first two blocks. The kit for the third arrived in yesterday's mail, as I thought it might, and I'll get started on that before too long. How about you? You can click on the icon and link in the sidebar, and it will take you to the Flickr group. See you there!


  1. Thanks for starting the Merry Merry Snowmen support group. It is just the kick start that I need! I signed up at my local quilt store ThimbleCreek, I have the first two blocks but have not even opened the packages!

  2. I'm not doing the BOM, but wanted to tell you that I thought it was nice of you to start a support group for those who are.
    During the last 13 years of my 'working' life, I worked odd evening hours usually 6 nights a week. During that time I thought of the blogs that I read as my support group - inspiring, teaching me new methods, etc.
    Since I'm no longer working, I found a group that have invited me to join. They now add to my support group of wonderful quilters. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I'll join you :)...I wasn't planning to do this one as a bom because I just bought the pattern and a fat quarter bundle. I have the first block done and hadn't motivated myself into number 2 yet so this will probably be a help, thanks! I enjoy seeing everyone else's "take" on something like this!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!