Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Jenny's In the House

I never pre-order books from Amazon. After all, I can't get free shipping with only ONE book, and I'm all about the free shipping. But this time, I made an exception. Because when it comes to Jenny Lawson, exceptions must be made, in all kinds of ways.

I've mentioned The Bloggess here a few times, and I DO hope you've read her blog. The story of Beyonce, the 5 foot tall metal chicken, is priceless. When I learned Jenny had a book coming out, I put it on my Amazon wish list right away. As the publication date drew nearer, though, I just couldn't wait. I HAD to preorder. And she arrived today.

I need to go to bed now so I can start reading the book. I sincerely hope it's not one of those you can't put down, because I have to get up and go to work in the morning. By the way, if you've looked at the cover and wondered about the mouse, let me enlighten you by linking you to the mouse tail tale on Jenny's blog--click HERE.

I'll let you know if the book's as good as I'm anticipating.


  1. I am in tears She busts me up! I remember you posting about the chicken! I will have to have me that book!

  2. PLEASE let me know if the book is worth it! Her blog is awesome and the story about the 5 foot metal chicken? PRICELESS!

  3. I agree with Jen (above!) Let us know if it's as good as her blog! LOVE her blog!

  4. Oh I gotta check this out - her story about the chicken had me in tears laughing!

  5. I went over and read her blog post...funny! Let us know more about your thoughts on her book.

  6. Did you see she is going to be in Corte Madera tomorrow @7PM, hope to get down there to meet her. She is a hoot.
    hadacres at


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!