Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I'm Home

Our Carmel vacation was fun and I can hardly wait to tell you more about it, but from the time we got home Monday night until now--nearly midnight on Tuesday--I've been too busy to even download the photos I took.

Yes, I went to Back Porch Quilts. No, I didn't go to Monarch Knitting and Quilts. The two friends I was with aren't quilters, so I didn't think it would be fair to drag them to more than one quilt shop, and Monarch's website seemed to be more focused on knitting, so I picked Back Porch Quilts.

No, we didn't see Clint. Yes, we came home with bags of artichokes from Castroville.

We had some great meals and some that were a little less than spectacular. We had a few excellent adult beverages and a few that weren't as excellent. There was shopping, magnificent vistas, and soft and beautiful toes and feet. None of us were arrested.

I'll try to find time to download and post a few photos tomorrow and relate some of the high points of the trip. I hope to see you then!


  1. sounds like nothing but a good time! It is a Back Porch Press that I met Jeanne who is leading the Quilting Tour to France that me and my besties are going on in September!!!! Can't wait for the photos!

  2. Missed your wit this weekend! Glad you're back. Thanks for the top-line summary for those of us who're living thru you and your adventures..

  3. Hubby and I went up to Carmel a few years ago, when they had that great white shark at the aquarium. We stayed at the Carmel River Inn, in a little bungalow, it was so beautiful up there I never get to hit up any quilt shops on our travels though.

  4. Glad you had a wonderful time, didn't get arrested and that you are back. Can't wait to see the pictures and hear your tales.


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