Sunday, April 29, 2012

Country Cottages, Block 4

Sleeping in this morning wasn't quite what I was hoping for. I think I could probably get rid of my alarm clock altogether and our two cats would wake me up every morning at the correct time--because that's what they try to do on weekends. And on top of that, when I awoke, I was having a crazy dream about work and finding out I had been making tons of typos. It was one of those very vivid and real-seeming dreams that takes awhile to shake off. I hope to be more successful at sleeping in tomorrow morning.

I DID get outside and got the weeding done in the front yard--yay me! After that, I thought I deserved a little lunch and a "rest" in the Sweat Shop. As planned, I worked on the fourth Country Cottages block--I'm really loving this Lakehouse fabric line I'm using, Annie's Farm Stand. I remember I first saw the fabric on Nicole's (Sisters Choice) blog and decided I needed some of my own. It's perfect! Thanks Nicole!

About a month ago, I went out to a couple craft and fabric stores in search of button embellishment packets and purchased several seasonal sets, hoping I could use them for my blocks. How perfect these are for the April block!

The buttons will go above the door and windows in that scrolly embroidered area, and I'll add them after I quilt the quilt--that way, they won't get in the way of the quilting and the bulk of the quilt will give the buttons a bit more stability.

Here are all four blocks so far. The last time I put them all up, I noticed the roof of the first house was lower than the others. My friend Nancy suggested adding some snow to the roof--excellent idea! I added the "snow" today and moved the chimney up a bit and now it looks much better.

Here are February's and March's blocks with their button packages--hearts and shamrocks. I also have clear snowflakes to add to January's.

I think these designs have been super cute so far, don't you? I can hardly wait to see what May's block will look like! If you haven't already joined in the Country Cottages fun, you can find the designs HERE.


  1. I've resisted this bom so far but your finished blocks are tempting me. They are super cute!

  2. Cutest applique blocks I have ever seen! Love that fabric line! It makes me smile just to see how you have combined them.

  3. Your blocks are looking great, Kim! I just started the April block. Don't you love these kind of BOMs? Reminds me of the basket one from Bunny Hill a few years ago.

  4. These are sooo cute!
    Could you tell me how you get these little houses, etc stuck to the fabric - I'm guessing fusible web and then you blanket stitch around them??...or are you using the starch method and hand sewing each piece down?? Any help/suggestions is GREATLY appreciated!

  5. I have to officially say that this is these blocks are soooo cute! I like that I could leave it up for all of the holidays!!
    I just might have to trade you one car of my custom painted train (and some cash) for this finished quilt! ;-)

  6. Your fabric choices just do it for me. LOVE these houses!

  7. I haven't started my cottages yet - but your colors and embellishments are inspiring me! LOVE those flower buttons!

  8. You have a magic touch - and the buttons are a great idea.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!