Saturday, March 17, 2012

Well, it Seemed Like a Good Idea . . .

Put your jammies on, get something to drink and snack on, and settle in for a fun-filled Friday night of sewing. Sound good? That's what the monthly Friday Night Sew Ins are all about.

I drove home from work tonight, through the pouring rain, stopping only at the McDonald's drive thru to pick up a quick dinner. I've never had a Shamrock Shake, but I read a review of them yesterday that made them sound like the best thing on Earth--better, even, than the suddenly-viral restaurant critic's review of Olive Garden.

I got home and parcelled out our meals while Hubby and I caught up on American Pickers. The Shamrock Shake was okay. The fries were better. Mike and Frank found some good deals on rusty guy stuff. It was a blast.

True to the Friday Night Sew In credo, I took a bath and put my jammies on. I gathered up my dirty laundry and put it in the hamper. I checked emails. And then I drug my feet a little more for good measure before gathering up Stitch, the cat, and heading into the Sweat Shop.

What to do?

Heidi says preparation is key to having a successful FNSI, and she's right. I hadn't prepared anything. I thought maybe tidying away the few things that were left from other projects would get the creative juices flowing.

I put together the little wool kit for the winner of the bunny wrap, but once I finished that, I ran out of steam. Or maybe I ran out of steam when I sat down on the couch with Frank, Mike, and Ronald McDonald--after that, all I had left was a little sputter and hiss.

I give up. It's still raining outside, and that makes me think the evening's better spent curled up in bed with a Janet Evanovich book and maybe a cup of tea. Tomorrow's St. Patrick's Day and I have another quilt show excursion to go on with my friends. This FNSI is a bust, but maybe I'll work up another head of steam by tomorrow.


  1. Sometimes you don't have much energy after working all day. On the bright side: You didn't have to cook dinner, your sewing room is all picked up and ready for a new project and you're all snuggled up in your jammies perfect for a bit of reading. Have a great weekend.

  2. I blame the rain~ it seems to zap my energy too. :-) A good book sounds lovely~ have a happy weekend!

  3. Mine too, Kim. I had good intentions! Daughter was at a sleep-over, husband was working. Whole house to myself. Ran a few errands and came home. Didn't even eat dinner. Throw my pjs on, hopped into bed with the iPad and TV remote and that's where I stayed until this morning. Oh well. :)

  4. How funny! I love the idea, but after working all week, I'm beat, so I do Saturday night instead. Have a great weekend, Kim! Florence

  5. Hi! My Friday Nite sew in took the long way to get started too! But I was finally able to get done what I wanted, quit at 11:30. Made a few mistakes along the way, so made the trip a little longer LOL!
    I think working, stress on the way home (mine was when I got home), and then unhealthy eating doesn't help the brain to make us productive!
    A good night's sleep helps all! You will get lots done today!
    Take care, Leslie

  6. Hi! I don't know how I "found" your blog last month, but I have to tell you that I love it! You really crack me up with your thoughts about quilting on a Friday night and about laundry and about husbands....all SO true!! Thanks for bringing a smile to my face when I read your blog (if not an out loud laugh)!
    P.S. Also love your slideshow!

  7. A good book sounds relaxing-especially when its raining. We haven't had rain here and need moisture- then I will curl up on the couch with an afghan and my book ; )

  8. I spent Friday night with Frank and Mike too. Love that show. We record them earlier in the week so we can watch them Friday night. Don't be so hard on yourself, you get sooo much done all the time! You deserve a relaxing evening with a good book. I didn't work on my applique either. Instead I caught up with blogs on my computer, in my jammies, on the couch. But it wasn't a total loss cause I got to read your blog. You always brighten my day!

  9. That same thing has happened to me too. Sometimes it's best to just give in and get rejuvenated for another day. When I'm tired is when I make my worst mistakes.
    p.s. My husband and I watch American Pickers too.

  10. Sounds all too familiar my friend.

  11. Kim some nights a good book under the covers is what you need!! Sounds like a perfectly good night to me!!


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