Tuesday, March 20, 2012

It Serves Me Right!

A couple months ago, one of the ladies in charge of the guild's opportunity quilt for next year asked me if I'd be willing to applique a block or two for the quilt. "Sure," I said, "I'd be happy to!" Little did I know . . . .

They selected an applique quilt pattern made up of various blocks, and they were specifically looking for quilters who used the freezer paper and starch method of hand applique. In January I picked up my packet--the completed block was due at the February meeting, but if it wasn't done by that time, then no later than the March meeting.

On Sunday night, as I was thinking about the week ahead, I remembered the March guild meeting was on Tuesday night. Then I remembered I hadn't even started on the applique block yet! Yikes!

Monday morning I got out everything I needed to prep the block pieces and took it all to work with me to begin during my lunch hour. When I settled in and pulled out the pattern--for the first time!--here's what I was faced with:

See those tiny spaces between the two sets of leaves on each blossom? This is not a pattern for freezer paper and starch! The best choice would be fusible with the raw edges sewn on the machine, but if not that, then definitely needle turn. Needle turn with basting is the only method of hand applique I know that has a chance of achieving those small cut away spaces. I thought then that what I needed to do was to return the block to the opportunity quilt ladies and tell them it was simply beyond my abilities because needle turn isn't a method I've mastered.

Tonight, though, I thought better of my decision. Although I hated the idea that I'd certainly mangle up some fabric in the attempt, at least I ought to give it a try. And I cheated a little--I made those spaces between the leaves just a teeny bit larger.

The instructions were to applique the blossoms and the leaves but not the center as that would be done by someone else later. So that's what I did, and I surprised myself--it turned out okay!

So Tuesday night, I can turn in my block without hanging my head in shame. But it serves me right for waiting until the last minute, doesn't it?!

On a happier note, I thought I'd show you the little project I made on Sunday--a small hanging from the Bette Bunny pattern. I mailed it off to the Wild Child on Monday.

When she left for New York, I gave her one of those wire quilt stands and told her I'd be sending her little seasonal/holiday quilts from time to time--this is the first one I've sent. It's a little dark for Easter, but I think it will probably go over better with her boyfriend than pastel Easter decorations would.

You know what? That whole little hanging probably took less time than the applique block! But at least I've fulfilled my obligation. Next time I'll know what I'm saying "yes" to and not procrastinate! That's the plan, anyway.


  1. No matter how I plan, I always manage to procrastinate. Your block looks great!

  2. It turned out better than okay -- it's perfect! And I love the bunny on darker fabrics -- she'll be so happy. Florence

  3. You did a great job on the block - good for you hanging in there and going beyond your comfort zone!!!

    And what a great idea to give the frame and then gift with small quilts throughout the year! I may have to *steal* that idea!!! =^..^=

  4. I think it turned out great! And I LOVE the Easter hanging for Wild Child!

  5. The Wild Child is so lucky to be getting this wonderful 'wabbit'.

  6. Both projects are beautiful! The rabbit has lots of character! K-


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