Monday, March 26, 2012

Having Fun . . .

I'm really enjoying all the new blogs you told me about. I have several more to check out--the ones that people commented about today. I was too busy playing in the Sweat Shop to want to spend much more time on the computer today.

I was tickled to read the comment today by "Cindy in SC." She said, "I just wanted to say that I loved yesterday's post - it's generated a bunch of new blogs that I'm loving. Had a blast checking them out and found inspiration for a project I've worked on today!! Yay!!"

You're not the only one, Cindy. This evening I started working on an Easter project I found at the blog Don't Look Now. Here's what it looks like so far--

Not too much to look at really, but if you'd like to see what it WILL look like--and maybe check out the tutorial, click HERE. You'll need to scroll down that post a little way before you get to it, and if you're interested in making it, note that there's a second part you'll need to click over to.

Have you checked out some of these blogs you didn't know about before? Have they inspired you to make something?

I picked a random entry as the winner of the Luna Notte charm pack and the This and That Sweet Stuff pattern--JoAnne. JoAnn left this comment:

"I have my favorite list too, including many mentioned above. I enjoy Lane of That Man Quilts? Rachel at Stitched in Color and Sew Many Ways. You and these other people inspired me to start my own, the Patriotic Quilter. (JoAnne's blog has also been added to my list of blogs I want to visit regularly.)

JoAnne, email me your mailing address and I'll get this little thank you gift in the mail soon. Thank you all for your blog recommendations--I know it will mean many happy hours of reading and inspiration for me and others.


  1. Can't wait to look through more of the blogs.....the bunny is adorable. I just love that blog - her colors and critters are terrific! Looking forward to seeing your finished. Thanks....piece.

  2. I have visited several of the blogs listed, and plan to look at more. Love the bunny pattern--just downloaded it. Can't wait to see yours.


  3. I would have sent you mine, but as a "quilt blogging Kim" - I am on your side bar...

    I have a list of like 250 blogs I skim through using feedler on my iPad.

  4. That Easter project is going to be hysterically wonderful!

  5. I was just happy to see my blog listed in the comments as one to check out. That made my day. :) congratulations to JoAnne!

  6. OMG!!! That bunny you're doing is the EXACT same one I found that I'm doing!! LOLOL!!! That is wild - well, yep, guess we found us a winner! My husband/son both said I should show you a pic of mine, but I have no tech savvy to do so!! Just had to tell you I thought that was a wild coincidence!!

    Cindy in SC!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!