Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Well, I Didn't Get That Far . . .

Remember that Thimbleberries project I told you about yesterday? Well, it's going to take longer than I thought. I'll tell you the story behind the blocks though.

Some years ago, my online Thimbleberries group decided to make blocks for each other for our birthdays. We took sign-ups and had around 24 participants, so we divided into two groups. I don't remember how it came about--maybe because I was one of the two swap coordinators--but somehow the block pattern we used was one I'd seen in a magazine and picked; I suspect everyone else liked it too, so we went with that particular pattern.

Each "birthday girl" was able to specify what Thimbleberries colors she wanted us to use in making her blocks, and as each birthday came around, we would make a block and mail it off to that person. In theory, we would each receive 11 blocks; the quilt called for 13 blocks total.

I asked that my blocks be made in fall colors, so they arrived in red, green, brown, gold, and cream. I ended up with one rogue block in a sort of teal and pink--I'll use that one for a different project or on the back of the quilt.

We also had a couple of participants who just faded away without completing their obligation to make blocks for everyone in their group, but for the most part, it was a successful swap. And without that one rogue block, I ended up with 10 blocks, so I needed to make three more. Simple, but those blocks took a little time to make.

After that, I got the blocks up on the design wall, and started making the sashing. I've got to say that piecing three strips together in 15-1/2" long sections is kind of boring. I need 36 of those sashing pieces and I think I've made about half.

I wanted to get a photo to give you an idea of the quilt--as you can see, it's going to be a large one!

I'll keep plugging along on making those sashing strips and then the setting triangles for the sides. I think it will probably take another couple evenings.

In the original quilt, the borders were small and plain. I think I'll get this part together and then decide where to go from there. One of this year's anticipated "swapped Thimbleberries blocks" projects involves several tree blocks we swapped, and I've been wondering whether they might make an interesting border--maybe interspersed with some simple house blocks. But I'm not there yet. I'll show you how this one is coming along in another day or two.

Thanks for stopping by to check on me!


  1. Like your choice of sashing colors! Will look forward to seeing what you do with your house and tree border...maybe you should consider adding a bit of applique?

  2. Your "start" of finishing this quilt is looking good. You are so clever and original with how you put things together. I'm very curious about how you might add tree and house blocks to this center. Go, Girl!!!!

  3. All in the spirit of encouragement: Giddyap Kim, keep on going. You have the makings of a really wonderful quilt here. Stephani in TX (

  4. Very nice!!!

    Doris R.

  5. That is coming together to be a very pretty quilt, Kim. I can't wait to see it some 2nd Wednesday evening. :-)


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