Friday, February 24, 2012

Slow and Steady Wins the Race . . .

Well, not really. What an inappropriate old adage that is when you think about it! I've told many quilters that quilting isn't a race. If you want a speedy hobby, try speed skating. Seriously, I wouldn't mind following Apolo Ono, would you? Of course, HE'd be a little freaked out to look behind him and see ME there--not to mention the rest of you! But I digress.

I cannot tell you how nearly I balked at plodding along on the birthday block quilt tonight. I started the evening by asking myself if it would be a very BAD thing to take the night off from the birthday blocks and start a new project instead. Yep, I was feeling THAT CRAZY about the whole thing! And I think part of it was the thought of working on such a LARGE project--I don't find those very fun anymore, do you? I have plenty of bed quilts and the thought of maneuvering this one through the Juki to get it quilted makes me cringe a little.

But I stuck to the plan and made a good deal of progress. Although it's not much to look at, here's where I am:

I DO have the missing center strip pieced, but it's so large that I didn't want to struggle with getting it up on the wall and taking it down again to add the side sections, so it's laying on the Wild Child's bed--probably under Ms. Spike, because you KNOW cats can hardly wait to lay on a new piece of fabric. And that upper right section isn't pieced together yet--just that section on the lower left. But I think it's looking pretty cool! And thank you Marie for leaving me a comment affirming my thought of using the cream setting triangles--I think that's worked out well.

So although this project is going slowly, steady plodding WILL get it done--I should have this part done tomorrow night and then I think I'll set it aside until I decide on a border. Unless I lay it on the Wild Child's bed and find it's already large enough and needs no borders--which I suspect may be the case.

On a slightly different subject, here's a thought: If you're a small business owner, carefully consider your driving abilities before adding advertising to your vehicle. I don't think I've ever found a business through that particular method of advertising; I HAVE, however, made decisions NOT TO EVER do business with advertised companies if I decide the drivers are idiots who likely got their drivers' licenses out of Cracker Jack boxes, because I think that just might reflect on their abilities to do other things well. And if you're a small business owner with advertising all over your car, and you're driving slow and maybe not all that steady and you get in my way when I'm heading to the office in the morning . . . you're definitely not winning anything.

Sometimes you just gotta rant. Sometimes working on a slow, plodding project gives a person a little too much time to dwell.


  1. Know how you feel. Rant away!!!


  2. It's going to be beautiful when you get it done...hang in there the end is in sight!

  3. Cream was a good choice! I know what you mean about finishing, that's where I get stalled too...way too easy to hang a top on a hanger in the closet and start something new...I'm trying to reform and finish my ufo's this year too.

  4. Kim, should you find the quilt plenty big enough with just the setting triangles, then a binding of the green would be a nice finishing touch. Don't despair, the end is in sight!

  5. My montra is always 'inch by inch life is a cinch , yard by Yard it's very hard' Mom always used that one and I agree!! and hey, it fits well for quilting right!! LOL

  6. It's beautiful! Also your quilts from 11 in 11. They are all gorgeous! So glad you left a comment because I'm putting you in my sidebar. :) Have a great weekend!

  7. It's lookin' good! Keep on keepin' on!

  8. Looking at your quilt has reaffirmed my commitment to NOT make any more quilts ON POINT. I don't like putting those side triangles on. Of course, if I see another quilt that I like, I'll probably start it before remembering my vow of not making those types of quilts. Thanks for sharing. Agree with your rant.

  9. Love the way these blocks look sashed!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!