Friday, February 3, 2012

Second Chance

It's Thursday night here at Casa de Kim, and two of the original winners are out of time to claim their winnings, so I'll do what I promised and announce two new winners. Sorry ladies!

First is what was Group C. This group consists of cannibalized Thimbleberries quilt parts, as you can see in the next two photos.

And the new winner is Cathy who said, "Group c for me. I can already think of a middle for the border quilt... thanks for being so generous.

The next is Group D and it consists of gadgets:

The new winner of Group D is Melissa, who said, "I'm a gadget girl and would love group D. Thanks for the chance Kim!"

Cathy and Melissa, please email me your mailing addresses. You have until Saturday night to contact me. One way or another, these "prizes" are heading out the door!

And, in case you were wondering: I spent another evening culling out fabric I no longer want. I'm feeling a little less claustrophobic--yay! Thanks to all of you who have helped by taking some of these zucchinis this quilty stuff off my hands.


  1. Yeah! I won stuff!! Thank you! You are almost always my first "stop" in the mornings, so imagine my surprise to see my name :)

  2. Congrats to Melissa! Isn't it exciting to win something you really want. A note to Kim, I received the quilt top in the mail yesterday. Thank you so much. I'll be thinking of you while I quilt it. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Congrat's to the new winners! :)
    Kim, I received my goodies yesterday too!~ and spent the night with my books in my lap. LOL Thanks again! Have a happy weekend!

  4. Yeah Melissa. I didn't get to get back for awhile and my name is called. Oh well. Congratulations to Melissa for getting the cool stuff.



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