Tuesday, February 14, 2012

How Many Are Too Many?

Do you ever over commit? Probably a silly question--I suspect most of us do from time to time. Right now, I'm wondering if I've committed to too many block of the month projects. How many have I committed to? I don't know because I'm kind of afraid to count them. And I suppose that should tell me something right there!

This year I wanted to devote most of my quilting time to applique, so you can probably see how I've gotten in this predicament. So far, I haven't gotten behind, but then the year has just started, really. We'll see how it's going come June.

In the meantime, here's block 2 of the Bunny Hill pattern, Autumn House. Four of us in my stitchery group are working on this block of the month project.

I gotta tell you--those little leaves were a pain! But they look nice in the block and there aren't any more in the pattern, for which we're all grateful.

Soccer Son and His Lovely Wife to Be Someday picked up their new pup this past weekend. I'd like you to meet Izzy.

Izzy's name is actually Isadora, but they'll call her Izzy. Remember the escapades of the Drooling Dog and his "girlfriend" in the midst of a little party I threw back in October? Nothing actually happened that weekend, but the Drooling Dog was more successful the next weekend and Izzy was one of the results--there were six altogether.

Spike isn't very impressed.

Does that pose look comfortable? She sits like that all the time! Much of the time I was working on the Autumn House block, Spike was sitting in the chair across from me, keeping me company.

What do you think of block of the month programs? Are they a good way to get quilt projects done a little at a time? Or do they make it too easy to start projects but not finish them?


  1. I know how you feel. I have too many BOMs on the go and I am way behind on most of them and at least two of them are UFOs at the moment but I am still tempted, infact, I am starting a new one tomorrow! Izzy is gorgeous! My first ever pet was a boxer (I was 3 years old).

  2. I've tried BOM's, but couldn't keep up--life got in the way


  3. I do love a block of the month. I just got the first block of Merry, Merry Snowmen. I have The Great Pumpkin in the works. I'm almost done with the last quilt in the Pioneer Women's Sewing Circle...there's more. Hmm. Too many? Never.


  4. Izzy is gorgeous! And I love your house block. I've never done a BOM but I did do a block a week -- each Monday for 12 weeks -- I loved that because it didn't drag on. Florence

  5. I wouldn't tell you if I've commited purgery, commited a crime, or been commited to a "facility", but I will tell you I'm a little commitment phobic! I don't play well with others, kinda do my own thing most of the time...but this year I have commited to a round robin at one of the guilds, and to an orphan block challenge at the other.
    Since other people are involved, especially in the round robin, I am commited.

  6. I have learned over the years that I am a starter and not a finisher... So I have to put limits on myself. I work on only two projects at a time. When one is finished piecing, I give myself permission to start another. But that does not stop me from collecting more patterns and fabric for those projects (known as the next project). Lord help me I am an addict! LOL

  7. Izzy is adorable! And I love the fabric you selected for the side of the house. It looks like climbing roses. Lovely.

  8. Love the house block - very sweet with the colors. Izzy is adorable and I love how Spike has had his eyes close in the last few photos lol. Nothing like a sweet little fur baby to keep you company while you stitch. Hmmmm BOM's yup I'm guilty and guilty of being behind - enough said LOL

  9. I know what you mean on the BOMs. I think the max I ever had at one time was 10, and I'm sad to say that's part of the reason now I have 4 giant scrap bins. I also have about 8 or 9 of those plastic project boxes with the ones in them that I do plan on making someday that I refuse to dekit. Right now I have 7 I believe, a couple of them are close to dropping off. It's an illness, it's because we like getting those cute little packets in the mail everymonth.

  10. I haven't done a BOM program yet but I will be starting my first later this year. I have signed up for the Fat Quarter Shop's Mystery Designer BOM program this year. I love the fabric and I have heard really good things about it from people who have been testing the patterns so I jumped on board. We will see if I can keep up with two small children to keep up with as well. Wish me luck!

  11. I told myself in January that I wouldn't over commit to too many BOMs
    but there are so many cute ones out there this year, so I am. I don't want to count how many I'm in but thank goodness most are staggered through the month and through the year with start dates. I can't lie and say I'm not behind but I am diligently making progress and collecting the patterns for those I can't finish yet!

  12. I liek to come into a BOM late! That way I don't have to wait a whole year! I have no patience!! I also have done a couple of bloghops where there is a pattern each day! That was great! I liked that speed!!!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!